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stock notice on product list page


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Prestashop has stock management wich allows to give the end users the information if a product is in stock or not


When you have a product with several sizes it show on the product page that a product is available with diffrent options when some sizes are sold out (wich is good)


But on the product list page it can also show if a product is sold out


The problem is that when a product has a few sizes sold out it shows "unavailible" on the product list page, but it must show something like limeted in stock but it doesnt?


the code from product list


{if ($product.allow_oosp || $product.quantity > 0)}<font color="#757575"> </font>{elseif (isset($product.quantity_all_versions) && $product.quantity_all_versions > 0)}<font color="#757575">{l s='Product available with different options'}</font>{else}<font color="#757575">{l s='Out of stock'}</font>{/if}


the website www.loavies.com (because its a production website i have diabled the code on the product list site.


Why doesnt it display {l s='Product available with different options'} when not everything is sold out? it just shows out of stock


How can i fix this?

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Unrelated remark: instead of

<font color="#757575"></font>

I suggest to use

<span style="color: #757575"></span>


The font tag has been deprecated for a long time...


That said, perhaps you should put something in the first condition, to see if it is triggered.

Also perhaps include unconditionally {$product.quantity_all_versions} to verify if it is set.


Apparently, you have either product.quantity or product.quantity_all_versions, not both.

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