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[SOLVED] product list looks weird when products are out of stock

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When ordering is not available when a product is out of stock, I get very strange category lists.

The list doesn't look like it looks when everything is in stock. When they are all in stock, I get a nice list, that looks completely the same, and on every line 2 products. When products are out of stock, the layout changes, and somethimes there is even a gap on a line. Also the text from the button is still visible, but in an other color, while I don't want to see the text or button.


Can someone help me and tell me how I can get this right?


Edited by rebirth (see edit history)
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you can't see it on the website right now, because I disabled the function because of the weird and disorderly look. Right now people can order, even if something is out of stock. But this really isnt supposed to.


You can see how it is supposed to look like: http://goo.gl/tlDnZ

And on the screenshot I have attached in the first post, you see how it looks like when I disallow ordering when out of stock.

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It's hard to get it right without inspection it live, but it seems like the height different is causing the issue.

try to add in your "themes/prestadesigner_modern_orange/css/global.css" between lines: 1119 & 1120: min-height: 253px;

so lines 1119-1121 will look like this after you change:

text-align: center;

min-height: 253px;


if its not working I will have to see it live

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My 1st post fix the images at home page.

now to fix it in product list page you need to edit "themes/prestadesigner_modern_orange/css/product_list.css"

add between lines: 10 & 11 min-height: 233px;


so lines 10-12 will look like:

width: 243px;

min-height: 233px;


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to remove(hide) it completely try to add this anywhere is global.css


ul#product_list li div.right_block span.exclusive {display:none;}


but even if it's working check your entire site to see that it doesn't effect anything else.

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