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Configuring Shipping

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Help, I'm completely lost here.


As usual, I have become technical support for my [spam-filter]'s business. Prestashop is set up except for shipping.


She sells grocery products, hundreds of them. They are all entered with prices but without weights. The carrier account she has is with Canada Post. By entering her Canada Post information some kind of connection has been established with Canada Post and all manner of carriers now appear.


The problem is that I don't know what to do next.


The link to Canada Post provided a number of shipping options, but when I do a test checkout, it says no carriers are available for the delivery address. Since I only have one country active (Canada) and have only created the link to Canada Post, this makes no sense.


How does Canada Post calculate the shipping cost? Presently under shipping it's set to default.


How does the buyer choose the shipping method or can they do so at all? Do I need to set a single carrier? How do I determine the prices? Do I need weights for every item?


This is confusing as hell. I have read the documentation and it isn't much use.


Please help,


Thank you,



Edited by drchevalier (see edit history)
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Thanks Clayton, I did try that and it produces the same error, that of a no available carrier message. I fear that the Canada Post module has become farked up as I have tried to figure things out so in the absence of other bright ideas, I may just delete it and start the Shipping section fresh.


Are there any other shipping modules that anyone knows that work in Canada? UPS, FedEx etc?

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