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[Guide] Modifying Prestashop 1.5/1.6 Invoice Template.


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I have tried all I can to get these Order messages to work.

I have followed instructions on here, but cannot get messages to display on the invoice.


Now a customer has just placed an order with instructions.

On the invoice it states that they have, and shows the customers name and date/time of message.. but the message is blank :/


See pic attached


Any help with this is appreciated.




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Which means you need two components, the total weight itself and the weight unit, right?


total weight should be


and weight unit:


So you should use something like that:

{$cart->getTotalWeight().'  '.Configuration::get('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT')}
Edited by eleazar (see edit history)
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 Thanks eleazar. I pasted your code in the following table. But when I try to generate a PDF, I get a server error in the browser. WHen I remove the code, the PDF is generated normally:

<table style="width: 100%">
<td style="width: 15%; padding-right: 7px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top; font-size: 7pt;">
<b>{l s='Order Number:' pdf='true'}</b><br />
{$order->getUniqReference()}<br />
<br />
<b>{l s='Order Date:' pdf='true'}</b><br />
{dateFormat date=$order->date_add full=0}<br />
<br />
<b>{l s='Total Weight / #boxes:' pdf='true'}</b><br /><br />
{$cart->getTotalWeight().'  '.Configuration::get('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT')}<br />
<br />
<b>{l s='Payment Method:' pdf='true'}</b><br />
<table style="width: 100%;">
{foreach from=$order_invoice->getOrderPaymentCollection() item=payment}
<td style="width: 50%">{$payment->payment_method}</td>
<td style="width: 50%">{displayPrice price=$payment->amount currency=$order->id_currency}</td>
<td>{l s='No payment' pdf='true'}</td>

What am I doing wrong?  :unsure:

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maybe someone know how i can write in invoice customer fistname, lastname, postcode, city in diferent places?

I mean, now it is only delivery address as one part, but i need to make additional table in which all this info must be in diferent rows?


i tryed in invoice.tpl like this: {$delivery_address->city} (to get city only) but it not working...

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does anyone have an idea on how to add the customers VAT id on the invoice?



in HTMLtemplateinvoice.php getcontent() function add:

$vatnumber=$delivery_address-> vat_number;

in smarty assign add:

$this->smarty->assign(array(  :

'vatnumber' => $vatnumber

When in invoice.tpl where you want vat number to appear add:




just in your backend on Countries, near Address format:

write: vat_number

And vat number will appear near customer address..

Edited by augis2003 (see edit history)
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Hi, anybody knows how to display other dates than the date of order? I need to display the date when invoice was generated or at least date when payment was accepted.


List of all variables avalible in $order will be handy.







Found it.

{$order->invoice_date|date_format:"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M"} 


All avalible variables are in classes/order/Order.php  :unsure:

Edited by benyv6 (see edit history)
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Thanks for this guide I am really happy with this invoice and works perfect.


Now i am trying to get the same layout on the delivery slip for returning items but with no succes.


Does someone using this layout also for the delivery slip (return invoice) and can help me to get it right?



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I like to fold my invoices as they're printed and would like the customer order comments to show up below the invoice number (or besides the billing\shipping address)  instead of at the bottom of the invoice.  How can I move it?  Thanks.  Using PS default them for 1.5.2


Nevermind,  I figured it out.  BTW guys, if you open your invoice with Word you can test your changes before you upload them back to your PS install. 


Here's my modified invoice.tpl with the Order Notes moved to below the address.  I also lightened the background border and changed the text color to black in order to save on ink.


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i would like to know as well how to remove the (empty) header.tpl margin



Found the solution myself.

Goto /classes/pdf/PDFgenerator.php


Around line 155 you will see


$this->setMargins(10, 40, 10);
Change it to


$this->setMargins(10, 10, 10);

Save my Day buddy ;) thanks

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I have searched for a couple of days now for a specific solution for my Invoice problem, but no luck.


In my invoice, billing and delivery address shows like this:

John Doe

Company Ltd. (optional)

34567890 (if company is filled also Vat number) 

Address Street 15

5000 Citiy


30554466 (phone number)


Is it possible, to add some labels to numbers? like this:

John Doe

Company Ltd.

Vat no.: 34567890

Address Street 15

5000 City


Phone: 30554466


I was browsing through the invoice.tpl code and apparently invoice address is called from elsewhere. I see two solutions:

1. Find that elsewhere and add labels {l s='Vat no.' pdf='true'} and {l s='Phone' pdf='true'}.

2. Break apart (or replace) the {$invoice_address} into {$firstname} {$lastname} <br /> {$company} <br /> {l s='Vat no.' pdf='true'} :{$vat_number} <br /> {$address1} <br /> {address2} <br /> {$postcode} {$city} <br /> {$countryName} <br />  {l s='Phone' pdf='true'}: {$phone_number}


Can someone point me in the right direction? I really need this fixed because of the laws and accounting issuies such unmarked numbers bring.

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Hi  :)


First of all thanks for your time, you are great!

I do have a little problem.


I'm from Slovenia and in my store I'm using Slovenian language, which has characters like "č, š, ž, đ, ..." but i get question marks, when this characters are used.


How could i set UTF-8 encoding?


That might solve this problem, i guess ...


Regards, Housy

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On our site we solved the problem by using different font. I reccomend Trebuchet MS, Arial or other fonts, that are commonly used on web to display Slovenian language properly. UTF-8 encoding usually comes enabled as standard option in Prestashop. Also in your BackOffice make sure you change Administration language to Slovenian - this is very important! (Translations are a disaster, but with some elbow grease, you can translate what you think you need)


When testing out fonts, make sure the € sign also remains normal. In some cases fonts start displaying čšćđž, but € character gets lost.


I hope this helps :)

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Hi ZaLuno,


i have changed charset to "freeserif" and it is ok for now. I'm gonna use other font as you suggested.


Thanks ;)





On our site we solved the problem by using different font. I reccomend Trebuchet MS, Arial or other fonts, that are commonly used on web to display Slovenian language properly. UTF-8 encoding usually comes enabled as standard option in Prestashop. Also in your BackOffice make sure you change Administration language to Slovenian - this is very important! (Translations are a disaster, but with some elbow grease, you can translate what you think you need)


When testing out fonts, make sure the € sign also remains normal. In some cases fonts start displaying čšćđž, but € character gets lost.


I hope this helps :)

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Is it possible, to add some labels to numbers? like this:

John Doe

Company Ltd.

Vat no.: 34567890

Address Street 15

5000 City


Phone: 30554466


I was browsing through the invoice.tpl code and apparently invoice address is called from elsewhere. I see two solutions:

1. Find that elsewhere and add labels {l s='Vat no.' pdf='true'} and {l s='Phone' pdf='true'}.

2. Break apart (or replace) the {$invoice_address} into {$firstname} {$lastname} <br /> {$company} <br /> {l s='Vat no.' pdf='true'} :{$vat_number} <br /> {$address1} <br /> {address2} <br /> {$postcode} {$city} <br /> {$countryName} <br />  {l s='Phone' pdf='true'}: {$phone_number}


Can someone point me in the right direction? I really need this fixed because of the laws and accounting issuies such unmarked numbers bring.

Please anyone? This is very important and I believe that I am not the only user needing this ...

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instead of using this


<td style="width: 50%; text-align: right">Invoice Number :</td>
<td style="text-align: left">{$title|replace:'Invoice #':'':'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</td>



<td style="text-align: left">{$title|replace:'Invoice #':'Invoice Number :':'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</td>

I think the replace function is better off ...

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Got a problem. I have placed an img src html code in pdf/invoice.tpl (and the image itself in the same folder).

And then got the error "TCPDF ERROR: [image] Unable to get image: 8x8t.gif" in BO orders.

Then I removed the image coding in invoice.tpl, expecting the error to disappear, but it didn't..!


Pls, what to do?





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Got a problem. I have placed an img src html code in pdf/invoice.tpl (and the image itself in the same folder).

And then got the error "TCPDF ERROR: [image] Unable to get image: 8x8t.gif" in BO orders.

Then I removed the image coding in invoice.tpl, expecting the error to disappear, but it didn't..!


Pls, what to do?





clear cache?

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  • 3 weeks later...

how can i add shop info to the invoice!

I found these variables






... but every info appear in one line. 


I would like to see the values:

shop name





which variable can i get these info ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'd like to use the country iso code on the invoice.tpl file, taking advantage of the "country" object already declared in the "HTMLTemplateInvoice" file, though assigning the "iso code" to smarty crashes the pdf generation.


Any clue on how to properly send the iso code value to the tpl file?

Edited by shroom (see edit history)
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Hi everybody,


All those usefull informations helped me a lot, thank you!


But I have a very weird issue with PDF invoice. The euro symbol and sometimes french accents doesn't displays correctly. I spent five hours to search a solution for this issue and didn't find it. So I hope that you can help me. Firstly, I thought that is because I've made some changes to the template, so I've installed a new fresh version of prestashop without any modifications, but the problem was the same. I've looked in the Php admin, the table are well coded un UTF-8, the prices displays correctly on front office, but not in the invoice... You can see the picture attached bellow of this issue.


Can you tell me, please, how to solve this issue?



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Hi everybody,


All those usefull informations helped me a lot, thank you!


But I have a very weird issue with PDF invoice. The euro symbol and sometimes french accents doesn't displays correctly. I spent five hours to search a solution for this issue and didn't find it. So I hope that you can help me. Firstly, I thought that is because I've made some changes to the template, so I've installed a new fresh version of prestashop without any modifications, but the problem was the same. I've looked in the Php admin, the table are well coded un UTF-8, the prices displays correctly on front office, but not in the invoice... You can see the picture attached bellow of this issue.


Can you tell me, please, how to solve this issue?



Ok, it's really weird... When I open my file with other program then Acrobat, everything seems ok, but when I'm opening it with Acrobat, my currency symbol is replaced by this weird sign.. Somebody know how to fix this? My acrobat version is the last.

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PDF files can contain fonts used in the document. Sometimes just trust PDF reader that fonts are already installed.


This issue is about the fonts. Used, enclosed, installed. Search this way.


A small note. The M4 PDF Extensions module always include fonts for all characters in document. Then there are absolutely no problems with fonts.

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PDF files can contain fonts used in the document. Sometimes just trust PDF reader that fonts are already installed.


This issue is about the fonts. Used, enclosed, installed. Search this way.


A small note. The M4 PDF Extensions module always include fonts for all characters in document. Then there are absolutely no problems with fonts.


Hi, thank you for your help. I resolved the problem with Acrobat by setting "dejavusans" font by default for PDF Generator. May be this could help anyone in my case. :)

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hi rhapsody,


can i use the same solution for prestashop , i have tried your solution but i am not getting anything... can you provide the solution..


what i did is ?


override the htmltemplateinvoice file, and posted the message display value in pdf/invoice.tpl file, but i am not getting the customer comments in invoice..

Edited by karthik who_am_i (see edit history)
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hi rhapsody,


can i use the same solution for prestashop , i have tried your solution but i am not getting anything... can you provide the solution..


what i did is ?


override the htmltemplateinvoice file, and posted the message display value in pdf/invoice.tpl file, but i am not getting the customer comments in invoice..

I am using this solution on and previously on with no problem.  Did you clear your cache and recompile using the BO under advanced options, performance?

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In Prestashop 1.5.6, on the current pdf invoice default model, one column is entitled "Product / Reference"
In such column :
- the item reference value is missing
- in the same cell, are the item title value and the attribute item value.

I would like to know how to have 3 distinct columns :
    - one column for item Reference
    - one column for item title
    - one column for item attribute

Thank you in advance for any reply.


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How can i get customers email on invoice and/or packing slip.


I know how to get it in the adress field but i want it to display in some other area on invoice and slip.


{$customer->email}  does not work.


thanks in advance.

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In Prestashop 1.5.6, on the current pdf invoice default model, one column is entitled "Product / Reference"

In such column :

- the item reference value is missing

- in the same cell, are the item title value and the attribute item value.


I would like to know how to have 3 distinct columns :

    - one column for item Reference

    - one column for item title

    - one column for item attribute


Thank you in advance for any reply.



Ditto with Patrick on this one - the product reference used to appear in a separate column (PS v1.3) but after upgrading recently, my client is complaining that the product reference is now missing, so it's more difficult for her to be sure of the item ordered, at a glance.


See my next post for my solution

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(Relevant to v.  


Ok, Patrick sussed it out:


In {install folder}/pdf/invoice.tpl is the following around line 129:

<!-- PRODUCTS -->
				{foreach $order_details as $order_detail}
				{cycle values='#FFF,#DDD' assign=bgcolor}
				<tr style="line-height:6px;background-color:{$bgcolor};">
					<td style="text-align: left; width: {if !$tax_excluded_display}35%{else}45%{/if}">{$order_detail.product_name}</td>
					<!-- unit price tax excluded is mandatory -->
					{if !$tax_excluded_display}
						<td style="text-align: right; width: 20%; white-space: nowrap;">
						{displayPrice currency=$order->id_currency price=$order_detail.unit_price_tax_excl}

I then added this to line 133    (Ref. {$order_detail.product_reference})



<td style="text-align: left; width: {if !$tax_excluded_display}35%{else}45%{/if}">{$order_detail.product_name} (Ref. {$order_detail.product_reference})</td>

which gave me the product reference at the end of the item description.


I know you want to create extra columns so you need to add a TD cell to the template around there to get the desired effect.

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Thank you to Torbz for the reply that worked well.


1- On the pdf invoice everything is translated into French except for the title of the column "Product".

I did not find where to translate Product into Produit

Any idea ?


2- On the pdf invoice is a column "Discount" (Réduction in French)

Is there a way to display this column only when a discount has been applied ?


Thank you in advance for any reply.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Supremacy2k,


Thanks for sharing this guide.


Could you please tell me where I can delete below text in the pdf invoice?

It's about the VAT. I dont want it visible on the invoice.


 VAT details          VAT %             Total amount             Total amount

                                                       without VAT                  VAT



Thanks for your help!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

How can i get customers email on invoice and/or packing slip.


I know how to get it in the adress field but i want it to display in some other area on invoice and slip.


{$customer->email}  does not work.


thanks in advance.


I am trying to figure this one out too.  Did you have any success with this?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello guys, can anyone help me put an image/icon on my template? a already tried <img src='{$img_dir}mail.png' alt='mail'> and <img src='mail.png' alt='mail'> on the same directory, but nothing works, please i had my template 90% done.



Thanks in advance


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Include order number in header / Have the header on all pages


When using OP's solution for adding order number to the header of the PDF. Then the header doesn't show up on every page in the pdf but only the first.


I got a solution for this problem. So that you can have order number in the header and at the same time have the header appearing on all pages.


Step 1. In header.tpl do nothing! This could still be used for other PDF's than invoice.


Step 2. In invoice.tpl, add your header code at the top. Something like the content of header.tpl with order number added.


Step 3. In invoice.tpl, after your header code. Add this: <!-- END OF HEADER -->


The top of invoice.tpl could now look like this:

<table style="width: 100%">
	<td style="width: 45%">
		{if $logo_path}
			<img src="{$logo_path}" style="width:{$width_logo}px; height:{$height_logo}px;" />
	<td style="width: 5%"> </td>
	<td style="width: 50%; text-align: right;">
		<table style="width: 100%">
				<td style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 14pt; color: #444; width: 100%">Invoice</td>
				<td style="font-size: 14pt; color: #9E9F9E"> </td>
				<td style="font-size: 14pt; color: #9E9F9E">{$order->getUniqReference()}</td>
<!-- END OF HEADER -->
<!-- ADDRESSES -->
<table ...

Step 4. In /override/classes/pdf/PDFGenerator.php add the function createContent() like below:


class PDFGenerator extends PDFGeneratorCore
	 * create the PDF content
	 * @param string $content HTML
		Override: if header is provided in content, override the header
	public function createContent($content)
		$pieces = explode('<!-- END OF HEADER -->', $content, 2);
		if( count($pieces) == 2 ) {
			$this->header = $pieces[0];
			$this->content = $pieces[1];
		else {
			$this->content = $content;

Done! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...