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Different product groups with combined shipping prices

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Hello, I've looked everywhere for a solution and couldn't find anything except something about

Total Weight shipping prices which is kind of confusing so i'll ask here, Hoping a good and easy solution (Even a module if it exists)


I am selling a big collection of products, All to my own country,

Some of the products are products i will buy from USA which has shipping prices,

Some from another countries with different shipping prices, and some from my own country.


Let's say i have these products:

Products A, B, C - Cost me 20$ Shipping so i will sell them with 20$ Shipping cost,

Products D, E, F - Costed me 30$ Shipping, Therefore 30$ of shipping will be added to their price,

Products G, H, I - I'm shipping them from my own country, Therefore only 5$ of shipping prices will be added.


How do i do the following -

User invited 2x A & 1x E - Will cost him Product Prices + 50$ Shipping (20$ For A plus 30$ for E)

User invited D + E + F - Will cost him 30$ Shipping

User invited A + E + 2x H - 55$ Shipping


Hope you understood what i'm meaning here,

I want Different group of products (No necessarily from different categories, could be from same one) That will eventually decide the shipping prices.


Hope you can help me with this, Thanks a lot!

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As far as I know, no module will allow you to do that.


The closest to that, would be to assign product specific shipping rates to all your products, and keeping the normal shipping cost at 0.


However, when purchasing 2 quantities of a product, the shipping cost would be double, if you want to avoid that, you would have to edit / override the carrier class.

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You can set it up using weights, but it wold be a pretty complicated set up and involve you making a lot of carriers. Think of something like this.


Products g,h,i weight .1 kg


Products d,e,f weight 10kg


and products a,b,c weight 100kg.


Set up a carrier for $5 for anything under 10kg, then that will cover g,h,i.


Now set up 10 carriers in multiples of 10 like 10 - 10.01kg, 20-20.01kg, 30-30.01kg, ect and that will cover d,e,f


Now set up 10 more carriers from 10.1kg -19.9kg, 20.1kg-29.9kg 30.1kg-39.9kg ect... and those will cover def, with g,h,i products.


Do the same for the 100kg products too. It would be a pain, but you can do it some way like that.

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Now set up 10 carriers in multiples of 10 like 10 - 10.01kg, 20-20.01kg, 30-30.01kg, ect and that will cover d,e,f


Now set up 10 more carriers from 10.1kg -19.9kg, 20.1kg-29.9kg 30.1kg-39.9kg ect... and those will cover def, with g,h,i products.


how do you distinguish these two?

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