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Unable to complete order

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Hello everyone


I have a strange issue, since a few weeks. Nothing has changed to the files though... I have searched a lot by now throughout other forums and these, but I couldn't find a solution. So I've started this new one to see if anyone can help out.


When I place an order, everything goes fine until the last step. When I've chosen the preferred shipment method, and I click Next, I always get a blank page with Firefox or the "HTTP-fout 500 (Internal Server Error)"-error with Google Chrome.


I have tried to adapt the memory limit, by adding "ini_set('memory_limit','128M');" in the config.inc.php" at the top, but that didn't resolve the problem.


Anyone who can help me out with this?


Thank you very much in advance!

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PS (I know, a bit outdated... But the similar problems occur when I installed the latest version)


And some extra modules: "Bannermaker" and "Magic Zoom".



I've turned error logs on, and then I noticed that the error was caused by the Ogone v2.1-module. I've de-installed it. I got this error afterwards, but I haven't got a clue about it yet:

Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/data/sites/web/capinobe/www/shop/modules//index.php/index.php.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/data/sites/web/capinobe:/usr/local/php-5.3/lib/php:/tmp:/data/sites/vendor-scripts/capbe:/data/sites/web/disabled) in /data/sites/web/capbe/www/shop/classes/Tools.php on line 988


However, with the Ogone-module disabled, I can complete my order. Of course, only wiretransfer is available as a payment option now.

Edited by ArkantoS (see edit history)
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