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(Solucionado) Taxing All Products


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good morning, I'm with a problem I would like to solve in a practical way.

I have about 2300 products already imported into my store, but the amount without taxes, so now I have to add the tax to be reviewed one by one.

One solution I did was with a SQL query ps_product changing table id_tax_rules_group field with the id of the tax rule I want.

changed query all data at the base and now I see them as if they really had the tax in the table. but when I go to the store do not apply. I see from the back office to the product and it has no taxes.


I do not really changing all the products one by one.


any advice? please?

Edited by Hugol (see edit history)
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You also need to run this query:



UPDATE ps_product_shop SET id_tax_rules_group='1';


/!\ Do not forget to make a backup of your DB before doing the query in case anything goes wrong.


Have fun ;)



Hope this helps.





PS: Note that I assumed your taxe rule was ID 1, change that by your real tax rule ID ;)

Edited by Muad'Dib (see edit history)
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yes, they were all off, id = 1

I edited the first to make sure the id, and work, and did well then when I made the SQL query from phpmyadmin with id = 53 group also tax rules changed in the base, but there is no change in the store, I have to do one to one ....

PD: version 1.5.2

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Ready Muad'Dib!

I made ​​changes to my store all products now have taxes charged. but I also had to modify another table of: ps_product_shop


cosulta and stay well:

Update 'ps_product_shop' Set 'id_tax_rules_group' = x


I'm really happy!

Solved issue ;)


I appreciate your feedback

Edited by Hugol (see edit history)
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You happen to know what they're those two tables, they seem almost the same.



These are the queries I made:


Set 'ps_product' Update 'id_tax_rules_group' = 32
Set 'ps_product_shop' Update 'id_tax_rules_group' = 32



But Totti read what they were doing with Muad'Dib I modified ps_product table first, and then nothing happened Muad'Dib told me to modify the other table, (ps_product_shop), and I did. and now works perfect.

Try first modify the table: ps_product_shop, to see if it actually makes it to the first

hopefully you can make your changes.


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