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Cart Summery Sub Total Price ?


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Prestashop 1.4.7


I would like the Total Products to show the reduced price when vouchers are used can anyone give me any guidance on how to change this.

Pic 1

I am then going to rename to Sub Total, remove the Total Vouchers line, move Est. Taxes on top of shipping and remove subtotal.

Pic 2 will be the final outcome providing I can find a solution for the price less voucher.


After looking at this again is it possible just to remove the shipping cost from the sub total then I could just move that to top and remove Total Products.




Pic 1-----



Pic 2----

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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shoppingcart.tpl is does not seem to do the calculations, the code below is what returns the sub total for some reason the price displayed also includes the shipping cost.

The actual calculations seem to be in ..classes/cart.php but I do not seem to be able to find the code to change this to price of products less discounts and shipping (if applicable).





<tr class="cart_total_price">

<td colspan="6">

{if $display_tax_label}

{l s='Total (tax excl.):'}


{l s='Subtotal:'}



<td class="price" id="total_price_without_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_price_without_tax}</td>


Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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Perhaps you can subtract the shipping cost from $total_price_without_tax? A bit ugly, I agree.

I have serious problems accessing my site right now, so cannot check if e.g. shipping cost/discounts are available in shoppingcart.tpl but you are way better than me at this so I'm sure you'll figure something out :-)



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Funny I actually tried that today but not sure how to add the code, I play with it a lttle each day until I get frustrated and give up. lol

I was hoping that someone on here with more knowledge then myself would have an idea, basically just as you suggested either not add the shipping or subtract the shipping anyway that it works is OK by me.

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