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Ok, I've done the search, I only speek english so I'm hoping I can get some help on changing the following for now. Contact us the lady with the headset and the 24/7 hotline. Contact us bottom right footer which reads

Contact us

  • My Company
  • 42 avenue des Champs Elysées
    75000 Paris
  • Tel: +33 (0)
  • Email: [email protected]

Follow us facebook, twitter whick links to prestashop.


Slider url which links to prestashop. I figured out how to change the pics but not the url.


Favicon, when I try to upload my icon I get an error. The favicon icon is in ico format. I also tried to upload to the root and it didn't work either.


I would also like to do away with the tags on homepage left side.


I'm pretty happy with the look as is for now. What do you think? www.vwautohause.com


I've used Boonex Dolphin so I know how to change code, I just don't know where to find it.


Also there should be a sticky with basic changes for the newbie as so the forum doesn't get clogged with posts like mine.


I'm using version


If there is anything else that might help out a newbie I'd appreciate it.


Thanks in advance for responses.

Edited by hippiepilot (see edit history)
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Ok figured out how to use back office to remove block contact us 24/7 with lady and other blocks. Now I'm onto my company info on bottom footer and found this code


<!-- MODULE Block contact infos -->

<div id="block_contact_infos">

<h4>{l s='Contact us' mod='blockcontactinfos'}</h4>


{if $blockcontactinfos_company != ''}<li><strong>{$blockcontactinfos_company|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</strong></li>{/if}

{if $blockcontactinfos_address != ''}<li><pre>{$blockcontactinfos_address|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</pre></li>{/if}

{if $blockcontactinfos_phone != ''}<li>{l s='Tel:' mod='blockcontactinfos'} {$blockcontactinfos_phone|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>{/if}

{if $bl


Am I on the right path here? If I am what do I edit to change to my company info?


ontact us

  • My Company
  • 42 avenue des Champs Elysées
    75000 Paris
  • Tel: +33 (0)
  • Email: [email protected]

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Do you change the code html:'UTF-8 to your link to get your facebook and twitter accounts? Or am I even in the right place?


<div id="social_block">

<h4>{l s='Follow us' mod='blocksocial'}</h4>


{if $facebook_url != ''}<li class="facebook"><a href="{$facebook_url|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{l s='Facebook' mod='blocksocial'}</a></li>{/if}

{if $twitter_url != ''}<li class="twitter"><a href="{$twitter_url|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{l s='Twitter' mod='blocksocial'}</a></li>{/if}

{if $rss_url != ''}<li class="rss"><a href="{$rss_url|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{l s='RSS' mod='blocksocial'}</a></li>{/if}



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The contact info text you can change in the module's configuration screen.

Go to modules-modules, find the "block contact Infos" module and press the link 'configure' underneath it. This will open a screen where you can adjust the company name, address, phone number and email.


For blocksocial the same: go to modules-modules. Find blocksocial and press configure link. Here you can change Facebook link, twitter link and RSS URL.


For most visual texts you don't have to delve into the code, but is configurable, or "translatable" (localization-translations menu)


Hope this helped.






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