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How change id number to reference no. in bankwire email

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Hello, I want to change confirming email template from bankwire.


At the end of checkout when customer select bankwire payment, are displayed infos abot bankwire payment (account number, etc.) Here is displayed also Reference number or that order what is supposed to be sent as identification during bankwire transfer. Thats all fine. Then customer recieves email where are these infos recapitulated BUT in that email isnt Reference number but ID number of order. So my question is: How to change that bankwire email template to show Reference numbers insted of IDs? I tried change variable {id_order} to something like {reference}, {id_reference} and so on, but I didnt figure out right variable so I am making this topic.


Thank you for answers!

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problem solved: It was error only in czech language translation of bankwire module. Solved in: mails/cs/bankwire files bankwire.html and bankwire.txt there has to be {order_name} instead of {id_order}.


I will place a ticket for this bug.

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