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Operate PrestaShop 1.5.2 completely via SSL


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I have setup PrestaShop 1.5.2 within the environment of an university to sell publications of the institute I am working for.

To access the shop from outside it is required to completely operate the shop via SSL. There is a Gateway that filters all incoming http traffic.

I have seen the topic http://forge.prestas...owse/PSCFI-4647 but that does not work for me. It seems that this is only valid for 1.4.x versions of the shop.

My I ask for a guideline what needs to be done to operate the shop completely via SSL?

Thank you in advance for any advice.


I forgot to mention that the system is based on FreeBSD 8.2 with Apache 2.2. A Rewrite directive out of Apache is set, but does not get active since the gateway stops all HTTP traffic.

Edited by Klaus.Schleiter (see edit history)
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I think I have found a solution (at least for my shop):

Since I have a German installation, I will give the menus in German language.

  1. Open Voreinstellungen -> SEO & URLs

    1. Define the SSL Domain. In my case it is identical with Shop Domain.
    2. Save the settings

[*]Open Voreinstellungen -> Allgemein

  1. Activate SSL aktivieren
  2. Save the settings

[*]Open phpmyadmin and open the database used for PrestaShop

  1. Open the table ps_configuration
  2. Select the parameter named PS_SSL_ENABLED and set it from 0 to 1

[*]On the web server change into the base directoy where PrestaShop is located (/usr/local/www/prestashop in my case).

  1. Führe die folgende Änderungen durch:

./classes/Link.php:95: //KS SSL Support: $url = 'http://'.$shop->domain.$shop->getBaseURI().$this->getLangLink($id_lang);
./classes/Link.php:96: $url = ($this->ssl_enable ? _PS_BASE_URL_SSL_ : _PS_BASE_URL_).$shop->getBaseURI().$this->getLangLink($id_lang); //KS SSL Support
./classes/Link.php:157: //KS SSL Support: $url = _PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink($id_lang);
./classes/Link.php:158: $url = ($this->ssl_enable ? _PS_BASE_URL_SSL_ : _PS_BASE_URL_).__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink($id_lang); //KS SSL Support
./classes/Link.php:196: //KS SSL Support: $url = _PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink($id_lang);
./classes/Link.php:197: $url = ($this->ssl_enable ? _PS_BASE_URL_SSL_ : _PS_BASE_URL_).__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink($id_lang); //KS SSL Support
./classes/Link.php:223: //KS SSL Support: $base = (($ssl && $this->ssl_enable) ? _PS_BASE_URL_SSL_ : _PS_BASE_URL_);
./classes/Link.php:224: $base = ($this->ssl_enable ? _PS_BASE_URL_SSL_ : _PS_BASE_URL_); //KS SSL Support
./classes/Link.php:263: //KS SSL Support: $url = _PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink($id_lang);
./classes/Link.php:264: $url = ($this->ssl_enable ? _PS_BASE_URL_SSL_ : _PS_BASE_URL_).__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink($id_lang); //KS SSL Support
./classes/Link.php:291: //KS SSL Support: $url = _PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink($id_lang);
./classes/Link.php:292: $url = ($this->ssl_enable ? _PS_BASE_URL_SSL_ : _PS_BASE_URL_).__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink($id_lang); //KS SSL Support
./classes/Link.php:318: //KS SSL Support: $base = (($ssl && $this->ssl_enable) ? _PS_BASE_URL_SSL_ : _PS_BASE_URL_);
./classes/Link.php:319: $base = ($this->ssl_enable ? _PS_BASE_URL_SSL_ : _PS_BASE_URL_); //KS SSL Support
./classes/Link.php:425: //KS SSL Support: $url = ($ssl && $this->ssl_enable) ? Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true) : Tools::getShopDomain(true);
./classes/Link.php:426: $url = $this->ssl_enable ? Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true) : Tools::getShopDomain(true); //KS SSL Support


It is required to restart the Apache Webserver. I would appreciate comments on this solution since I am not sure whether this is generally working. I am a beginner with PrestaShop.

Edited by Klaus.Schleiter (see edit history)
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