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Left Column doesnt go up after homefeatured

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I want to move the left column modules on my home page as after i installed the second homefeatured module it just went down .


i have tried editing the global css but without success


Can you please help me

My website is : www.hbtmobiles.co.uk



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Oh man,.... :)

I checked you site and it seems like your containers are a mess.

you have your left & right columns inside your center column (maybe you forget to close the center column div)

even if you close your center column div before the left and/or right column you still need to narrow the width to something like 710px

but... again, you have the product page that is full size... so...

1) why do you need 2 home featured products, if you said that everything worked fine with one, than keep it like that, anyway you can choose in Back Office how many products to show (8,16 etc...)

2) It seems like if you remove the float: left from column left its fix the problem that you have, but..... I need to implant a code that will show it only at home screen, so I guess you can edit your header.tpl from your theme folder and change:



<div id="left_column" class="column">




{if $page_name == 'index'}

<div id="left_column" class="column" style="float:none;">


<div id="left_column" class="column">



this is not a very good solution but let me know if its working.

Don't forget to disable cache and turning Force compile on in back office and also clear your browser cache (press ctrl+f5 few times).

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thanks for your reply


my header tpl doesnt even have div left column :




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<div id="main_center_column">

<!-- Center -->

<div id="center_column">








What should i do ?



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Also I recommend comment out (or delete) lines 126 & 127 in modules/blocktopmenu/css/superfish-modified.css to fix the mouse over on top menu categories.









/* padding:8px;


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