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PayPal Amount Different From Cart Amount w/ Specific Pricing

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I have an issue where the total amount in my cart differs from the total amount of the PayPal payment screen.


The cart has two items at $13.65 each and 8.25% tax will be applied. After shipping the total charges come out to $37.35 (at least that's what's stated in the cart). When I click to pay with PayPal the total comes out to be $37.33. It appears that the issue is that the amounts for each item with tax applied are not being rounded up when they are passed to PayPal. $13.65 * 1.085 = $14.776 which should round up to $14.78; however Prestashop is sending $14.77 to PayPal.


I'll include some images so you can see what I'm referring to.


Is anyone else experiencing this issue?



UPDATE: The confirmation email displays the same amount as the Cart (no surprise there) but this could be confusing for customers who just paid less than the confirmation email indicates.




Edited by elameno (see edit history)
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I decided to change my rounding mode to inferior for a temporary fix but now the problem has inverted. Now the Prestashop cart and email display $37.33 and the PayPal cart displays $37.35. It seems that somewhere in the code someone got their if then conditions messed up. I'll probably dig around later on when I have more time, but if someone else can find the spot and comment with a fix I'd MUCH appreciate it.



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I'm further narrowing the problem. It appears that this is a problem only for products that have a Specific price set. In my case, one of the products I'm selling has been reduced by 30% which brings the final price to $13.65. The discrepancy between the cart and PayPal occurs for these products.


I set a different product to a regular price of $13.65, tested the checkout process, and all went smoothly. I still can't find the offending code, but I'm digging. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

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I had a similar problem with specific prices. I am on My [spam-filter] did the setup and had the error so I didnt do the hands on.. but what she reported was that with specific prices and a discount the amounts in the cart and paypal were different..and then paypal choked and failed saying the amounts were not the same.. We were in the middle of a sale and crunh time so we removed the specific pricing and it cleared up. FWIW.. we dont charge tax so it wasnt a rounding issue. It seemed to be the combination of a 50% voucher with specific pricing.

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