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Prestashop - variable for order number


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What the variable to use on the order number (I need put order number into my affiliate program). I can not find anywhere, could someone help with this.

I tried it and search in google and technical documentation but nowhere have I not found.


Thank you in advance to everyone who can use some advice, thanks.

Edited by PepeCZ (see edit history)
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Hi PepeCZ,


$id_order or $order->id_order is the order number.

It is completed with '0' for display.


But where and when your code is processed ?




hi, thanks for your reply.


I add affiliate php code (Lyoness) into order-configuration.php

and in this php code for affiliate program lyoness are two field for order number and order price (value).


And I did not know how to get these numbers. I found that I had to use a variable.

I needed to find a variable to the order number and order price (value).


so I wrote into additionally added php code in order-configuration.php this:


$orderValue = "$order->total_products"; <----here is this for total price

$orderNumber = "$order->id"; <----here is this for order number



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No, if you made modification in 'order-confirmation.php' it is not the right place.


I do not know Lyoness, I will try to understand what it is to tell you what you have to do. If you need an override or a module for example.

Coming back soon


Affiliate program Lyoness contains two things:

1. redirect.php (PHP Code Redirect)

I have redirect.php in root my eshop, and Lyoness checked me this redirect.php and works on 100% good.

2. tracking (PHP Code Tracking)

this seems good too I just needed to find a variable for "order price(value)" and "order number"


But I did not know where I was write (this tracking code), so I test it and write this tracking code into order-configuration.php

So I tried to write into order-configuration.php

and Lyoness wrote me that everything is okay

only not sees right price number and order number.

(that's why I was asking these two variables)

And it is wrong? I got it write into another?


PHP Code Redirect - this is redirect.php in root, this works on 100% (lyoness this testing)

// Default landing page
$defaultUrl = "http://www.example.com/"; <--here i wrote my eshop adress, it is okay
// The domain under which this script is installed
$domain = "example.com"; <--here i wrote my eshop adress, it is okay
if (!empty($_GET["tduid"]))
$cookieDomain = "." . $domain;
setcookie("TRADEDOUBLER", $_GET["tduid"],
(time() + 3600 * 24 * 365), "/", $cookieDomain);
// If you do not use the built-in session functionality in PHP, modify
// the following expression to work with your session handling routines.
if (empty($_GET["url"]))
$url = $defaultUrl;
$url = urldecode(substr(strstr($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], "url"), 4));
header("Location: " . $url);


PHP Code Tracking - this I write into order-configuration.php, lyoness testing and wrote me that ok only order number and value but I did not have those variables the two fields were empty.

Now I've write those that are written here, this two variables I found on this forum (variable for order price: $order->total_products and this variable is for order number: $order->id IT IS GOOD THIS OR NOT?)

// Your organization ID
$organization = "xxxxxx"; <--this is my unique key, its okey
// Your checksum code
$checksumCode = "xxxxxx"; <--this is my unique key, its okey
// Value of the sale.
// Leave as "0.00" if not applicable.
$orderValue = "0.00"; <--this is order price,for this i use: $orderValue = "$order->total_products";
// Currency of the sale. /
/ Leave as "EUR" if not applicable.
$currency = "EUR";
// Event ID
$event = "xxxxxx"; <--this is my unique key, its okey
// Event type:
// true = Sale
// false = Lead
$isSale = true;
// Encrypted connection on this page:
// true = Yes (https)
// false = No (http)
$isSecure = false;
// Here you must specify a unique identifier for the transaction.
// For a sale, this is typically the order number.
$orderNumber = "xxxxxxxx"; <--this is order number,for this i use: $orderNumber = "$order->id";
// If you do not use the built-in session functionality in PHP, modify
// the following expressions to work with your session handling routines.
$tduid = ""; if
// OPTIONAL: You may transmit a list of items ordered in the reportInfo
// parameter. See the chapter reportInfo for details.
$reportInfo = ""; $reportInfo =

/***** IMPORTANT: *****/
/***** In most cases, you should not edit anything below this line. *****/
/***** Please consult with TradeDoubler before modifying the code. *****/
if (!empty($_COOKIE["TRADEDOUBLER"]))
if ($isSale)
$domain = "tbs.tradedoubler.com";
$checkNumberName = "orderNumber";
$domain = "tbl.tradedoubler.com";
$checkNumberName = "leadNumber";
$orderValue = "1";
$checksum = "v04" . md5($checksumCode . $orderNumber . $orderValue);
if ($isSecure)
$scheme = "https";
$scheme = "http";
$trackBackUrl  = $scheme . "://" . $domain . "/report"
. "?organization=" . $organization
. "&event=" . $event
. "&" . $checkNumberName . "=" . $orderNumber
. "&checksum=" . $checksum
. "&tduid=" . $tduid
. "&reportInfo=" . $reportInfo;

if ($isSale)
.= "&orderValue=" .$orderValue
.= "&currency=" .$currency;
echo "<img src=\"" . $trackBackUrl . "\" alt=\"\" style=\"border: none\" />";

Edited by PepeCZ (see edit history)
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