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Changing the amount of products per page

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I want to change the amount of products to view per page to be in increments of 9 rather than 10.

1. Where in back office do I alter to tell it that it's 9's not 10's

2. Where do I alter the values in the drop down to enable me to change the products to view per page options from 10.20. 30 in the front end?



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To choose the number of products to show per page there's an easier way, through the b.o., in tab Preferences/Articles and there is an option to input the number of products per page that you want.
If you want to list all, that's simple, just put a high number like 100 in that field.

Hope that helps ;-)

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I'm looking to increase the pagination options too -- adding 100 after 50 -- but things seem to be different now.


I've found FrontController.php in /classes/controller/

I've copied it and put it in /overrides/classes/controller/


However it has had no affect on my site. Any suggestions?

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Hi Bill,


That setting only allows you to change the number of products show per page. I have that set to 50 and it's working fine. However the drop down only shows these options for viewing products: 10, 20, 50. I would like to add 100 as an option on the drop-down.



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You open file "class/controller/FrontController.php" in Prestashop 1.5

About line 834, you look for:

$nArray = (int)Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE') != 10 ? array((int)Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE'), 10, 20, 50) : array(10, 20, 50);

Change for the numbers of products needed.

Edited by vekia (see edit history)
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You can add a "Show all" in Prestashop 1.6 with minor modifications (I would even call them bug fixes) on two files:


1 - In {theme}/nbr-product-page.tpl (line 63 and 64) modify the code to what you see in bold:


{if $nValue <= $nb_products} /* not sure why the complication of having a lastnValue, worked wrong anyway */

<option value="{$nValue|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if $n == $nValue}selected="selected"{/if}>{if $nValue == $nb_products}All{else}{$nValue|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}</option>


2 - Then in classes/controllers/FrontContoller.php (line 1133) remove the part in bold:


if ((int)Tools::getValue('n') && (int)$total_products > 0) { /* not sure the value of adding the total number only when you you've selected a previous number?? */

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