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PAID FOR REQUEST FOR HELP - Re: Contact Info block

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Hi all,


I'm struggling with such a silly problem and I'm happy to paypal anyone £10 if they can help.


All I want to do is display the address properly with breaks in between address lines. So, it currently displays as this:


Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3


When I want it to display like this:


Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Address Line 3


If it could be done with the minimum of code, that would be great!






PS Here's how it's displaying, which is not how I want. I've tried putting <p> and br but no joy:




Edited by christillis (see edit history)
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No money, my friend (at least not for easy tasks...).. We have crisis.. Also this is not the spirit of open-source.. Did you try to put something like this in the form;


<br>Line 1

<br>Line 2

<br>Line 3


Thanks you 'Λόχος, Very kind. I've stupidly offered to do a presta site for a friend and it's more difficult than I thought!


I did try your suggestion and sadly it didn't work, it did however, add "rn" where ever I put <br> though, strange?

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Hi Bellini, thanks for responding. Sadly that was the first thing I tried and it didn't work, immediately after installing the module. The demo of the theme (cave plus) also shows no use of new lines for each address entity, I've also looked in the code and it won't do it as is.

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best i could do is review the theme to see if it overrides the blockcontactinfos.tpl. I highly doubt the theme has overridden the actual module code, it really does not do much, so the only thing left would be the template.


The default template does the following with the address

{if $blockcontactinfos_address != ''}<li><pre>{$blockcontactinfos_address|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</pre></li>{/if}


So next question is, does the cave plus theme override this template file, and if so, has it changed this line?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having a similar problem and have figured out that it is also theme related as removing the blockcontactinfos folder from the theme "fixed" the problem as the address is split correctly with line breaks, but the font formatting is off.


The original prestashop theme includes a <pre> in the tpl file for address, which my theme does not. I'm guessing that is helping include the line breaks but also screwing up the pretty fonts.


I've written to the theme creator, but am also curious if you already have a solution.



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Here's the email I got from them:


thanks for reporting design issue . We have made solution about your issue. Here, we have attached zip file - please extract that file and update into your server at the location of modules/devilnewproduct folder


I can't see how to attach the zip, so here's a link: http://www.bikerchris.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/5097cfb069f84.zip

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Here's the email I got from them:


thanks for reporting design issue . We have made solution about your issue. Here, we have attached zip file - please extract that file and update into your server at the location of modules/devilnewproduct folder


I can't see how to attach the zip, so here's a link: http://www.bikerchri...97cfb069f84.zip


I am happy that you find solution to your problem!

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Thanks very much for bringing this back to life for me. Really appreciate your help!


There is one of two things happening here: either prestashop works in ways that will simply remain mysterious to me and I'll happily have to keep paying developers, which is fine, or is there a chance that the file you linked to was the solution to a different problem?


After reading it looks like it's related to new products and not so much the contact information in the footer. But like I said, it could just be the proof that I should stick to running a candy business and let programmers do the programming.



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