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Moving from local to online ps 1.5.2

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Hello, could someone give me a hand with this, I can find something to help me.


I installed LEO SHOES QUICK START package on localhost ps 1.5.0, after that I used 1-click upgrade and succesfully upgraded to 1.5.2. All works


Then I moved all files on online server boilere-cazane.ro , imported database. Changed config settings.


1. I can''t access BO



/home/mbn/boilere-cazane.ro/mbn/themes/default/template/controllers/login/content.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00174) (cache 0.00000)

/home/mbn/boilere-cazane.ro/mbn/themes/default/template/layout.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00231) (cache 0.00000)

/home/mbn/boilere-cazane.ro/mbn/themes/default/template/header.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00108) (cache 0.00000)

/home/mbn/boilere-cazane.ro/mbn/themes/default/template/footer.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00026) (cache 0.00000)

$SCRIPT_NAME Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "/mbn/index.php"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Global" $base_url Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "http://localhost/prestashop/"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $class_name Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = null

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $confirmations Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = Array (0)

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $content Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = ""

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $controller_name Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "adminlogin"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $country_iso_code Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "VN"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $css_files Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = Array (1)

/mbn/../css/login.css => "all"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $current Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "index.php?controller=adminlogin"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $currentIndex Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "index.php?controller=adminlogin"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $current_parent_id Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = -1

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $displayBackOfficeTop Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = ""

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $display_footer Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = false

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $display_header Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = false

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $errors Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = Array (0)

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $img_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "/prestashop/img/"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $informations Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = Array (0)

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $install_dir_exists Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = false

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $iso Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "en"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $iso_is_fr Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = false

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $iso_user Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "en"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $js_files Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = Array (6)

0 => "/mbn/../mbn/../js/jquery/jquery-1.7.2..."

1 => "/mbn/../js/login.js"

2 => "/mbn/../mbn/../js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui..."

3 => "/mbn/../mbn/../js/jquery/ui/jquery.ef..."

4 => "/mbn/../mbn/../js/jquery/ui/jquery.ef..."

5 => "/mbn/../mbn/../js/jquery/ui/jquery.ef..."

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $lang_iso Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "en"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $link Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = Link Object (2)

->protocol_link = "http://"

->protocol_content = "http://"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $meta_title Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "Administration panel"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $page Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "<script type="text/javascript"> var ..."

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $pic_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "/prestashop/upload/"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $ps_version Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = ""

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $redirect Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "AdminHome"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $shop_name Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "leoshoes"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $submit_form_ajax Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = 0

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $tab Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = Array (8)

id_tab => "20"

id_parent => "0"

class_name => "AdminStock"

module => null

position => "11"

active => "1"

id_lang => "1"

name => "Stock"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $table Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = null

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $tabs Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = Array (0)

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $timer_start Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = 1351594965.9066

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $token Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "fd8c103646f1756bc00684f7a9e1fa78"

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $url_post Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = "index.php?controller=adminlogin&token..."

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $version Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = ""

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root" $warnings

Smarty_Variable Object (3)

->value = Array (0)

->nocache = false

->scope = "Smarty root"

Can''t see front office as well because I must change the domain in SEO-URLS.


When I tryed to install LEO SHOES directly on website, I could not see front page, but could access BO.


Anybody can help?

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I managed to enter BO office by editting in database shop_url


now I got on front office this:


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "/home/mbn/boilere-cazane.ro/themes/leoshoes/modules/lofnewproduct/tmpl/default/default.tpl" on line 8 "<span class="lof_title">{$lof_title|mb_substr:0:4:utf8}</span>{$lof_title|mb_substr:4:1000:utf8}" unknown modifier "mb_substr"' in /home/mbn/boilere-cazane.ro/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php:627 Stack trace: #0 /home/mbn/boilere-cazane.ro/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compile_private_modifier.php(73): Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->trigger_template_error('unknown modifie...', 8) #1 /home/mbn/boilere-cazane.ro/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php(439): Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Modifier->compile(Array, Object(Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler), Array, NULL, NULL) #2 /home/mbn/boilere-cazane.ro/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php(227): Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->callTagCompiler in /home/mbn/boilere-cazane.ro/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 627


salutare romani :)

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