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[Solved] Footer html

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How can we change the footer to show HTML content? PS 1.5.1 default theme.


No paid modules please.




you must edit template files, I mean that you must change file named footer.tpl located themes directory

or use our free module prestashop html / css / javascript block.


with this feature you can add any code to footer section and 5 other most important hooks

Edited by vekia (see edit history)
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How do I insert blocks or code in footer?


I have turned off all the blocks and now want to restyle some links used in the my accounts block:


<li><a href="{$link->getPageLink('history', true)}" title="">{l s='My orders' mod='blockmyaccount'}</a></li>

{if $returnAllowed}<li><a href="{$link->getPageLink('order-follow', true)}" title="">{l s='My merchandise returns' mod='blockmyaccount'}</a></li>{/if}

<li><a href="{$link->getPageLink('order-slip', true)}" title="">{l s='My credit slips' mod='blockmyaccount'}</a></li>

<li><a href="{$link->getPageLink('addresses', true)}" title="">{l s='My addresses' mod='blockmyaccount'}</a></li>

<li><a href="{$link->getPageLink('identity', true)}" title="">{l s='My personal info' mod='blockmyaccount'}</a></li>

{if $voucherAllowed}<li><a href="{$link->getPageLink('discount', true)}" title="">{l s='My vouchers' mod='blockmyaccount'}</a></li>


I know we can hard code the links but that doesn't sound right way to go about it.

Any way this can be done?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Vekia, the htmlbox module is messing up some of the My Account pages for user.

1) My personal info (footer info shown in form...footer is ok)

2) My favorite products (footer messes up)

3) My loyalty points (footer messes up)

4) Referral program (footer messes up)

5) My wishlist (footer messes up)


In the information block:

1) Delivery (footer messes up)

2) Terms and conditions of use (footer messes up)

3) About us (footer)

4) Secure payment (footer)


I am attaching screenshots for you to see:







Kindly help to fix?

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Yes its related to htmlbox. I turned the module off and everything was working properly. No formatting errors or anything.

Could be the code I used too:

Here it is:


<style type='text/css'> p2 {font-weight:bold;color:#646464; font-size:12px;height:auto;padding-left:5px;padding-bottom:5px} .top {float:right; margin-top:105px;height:35px;width:400px;background: url("themes/default/img/paymentlogo.png") no-repeat scroll 142px 0px transparent;} .top2 { float:right; height:35px;width:400px;background: url("themes/default/img/shippingoptions.png") no-repeat scroll 145px -5px transparent;} .top3 {padding-left:5px; float:right; height:35px;width:400px;margin-top:5px} .bottom {padding-left:5px; float:right; height:50px;width:400px;padding-top:15px;} </style> <div class="top"><p2 style="margin-bottom:-5px;">SECURE PAYMENT</p2></div> <div class="top2"><p2 style="margin-bottom:-10px;">SHIPPING PARTNERS</p2></div> <div class="top3"><p2 style="margin-bottom:-5px;">CONNECT WITH US </p2><A HREF="Http://www.facebook.com/mydomain" title="FACEBOOK"><img src="themes/default/img/fb.png" alt="FACEBOOK" style="margin-left:33px" /></A> <A HREF="Http://www.twitter.com/mydomain" title="TWITTER"><img src="themes/default/img/twitter.png" alt="TWITTER" style="margin-left:10px" /></A><A HREF="Http://www.pinterest.com/mydomain" title="PINTEREST"><img src="themes/default/img/pinterest.png" alt="PINTEREST" style="margin-left:13px" /></A></div> <div class="bottom"><p2 style="margin-bottom:-10px;">GOT A QUESTION? </p2><img src="themes/default/img/phone.png" alt="020-11111111" style="margin-left:13px; position:relative; left:0px; top:8px" /> 020-111111111 <A HREF=mailto:[email protected] title="[email protected]"><img src="themes/default/img/mail.png" alt="[email protected]" style="position:relative; left:0px; top:8px" /> [email protected]</A></div>


btw I am using htmlbox v1.2. Just saw you upgraded to 1.3

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Yes its related to htmlbox. I turned the module off and everything was working properly. No formatting errors or anything.

Could be the code I used too:

Here it is:


<style type='text/css'> p2 {font-weight:bold;color:#646464; font-size:12px;height:auto;padding-left:5px;padding-bottom:5px} .top {float:right; margin-top:105px;height:35px;width:400px;background: url("themes/default/img/paymentlogo.png") no-repeat scroll 142px 0px transparent;} .top2 { float:right; height:35px;width:400px;background: url("themes/default/img/shippingoptions.png") no-repeat scroll 145px -5px transparent;} .top3 {padding-left:5px; float:right; height:35px;width:400px;margin-top:5px} .bottom {padding-left:5px; float:right; height:50px;width:400px;padding-top:15px;} </style> <div class="top"><p2 style="margin-bottom:-5px;">SECURE PAYMENT</p2></div> <div class="top2"><p2 style="margin-bottom:-10px;">SHIPPING PARTNERS</p2></div> <div class="top3"><p2 style="margin-bottom:-5px;">CONNECT WITH US </p2><A HREF="Http://www.facebook.com/mydomain" title="FACEBOOK"><img src="themes/default/img/fb.png" alt="FACEBOOK" style="margin-left:33px" /></A> <A HREF="Http://www.twitter.com/mydomain" title="TWITTER"><img src="themes/default/img/twitter.png" alt="TWITTER" style="margin-left:10px" /></A><A HREF="Http://www.pinterest.com/mydomain" title="PINTEREST"><img src="themes/default/img/pinterest.png" alt="PINTEREST" style="margin-left:13px" /></A></div> <div class="bottom"><p2 style="margin-bottom:-10px;">GOT A QUESTION? </p2><img src="themes/default/img/phone.png" alt="020-11111111" style="margin-left:13px; position:relative; left:0px; top:8px" /> 020-111111111 <A HREF=mailto:[email protected] title="[email protected]"><img src="themes/default/img/mail.png" alt="[email protected]" style="position:relative; left:0px; top:8px" /> [email protected]</A></div>


btw I am using htmlbox v1.2. Just saw you upgraded to 1.3


what is <p2> tag ? i don't know that one...

html box messed up your shop even if the code block is empty? in my opionion - it's code problem, not module

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