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PS Install on Windows Server, how to use Friendly URL

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i have setup a PS installation to run my site on a windows server. All is working great and images upload, modules work etc. I know the easy option would be to swicth to apache, but that is not possible, I need a windows server for 90% of my work.


However, I wish to get rid of the dynamic URLs and use the Friendly URL feature that is built in.


Whenever I activate the Friendly URL, the images vanish and the home page is the only page viewable. I figure this is down to htaccess (yes i know its a windows server, but i have installed Helicon Isapi rewrite 3).


When i generate the htaccess, the links in the <a href> tags are the friendly urls, but i get 404.0 map request handler.


Can someone first of all tell me if it is possible to have friendly urls with a windows install of PS, and how to achieve?


If it is not, out right a possibility, that is fine, please just tell me so i can stop with the headache!


I'd love to stick with PS as it does everything I need except this.

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Ok, thank you for this, when i generate the htaccess file, it populates it with a load of information regards the productid and categoryid etc. I need this translated into the web.config file and this should then accept the friendly url requirements?


Nothing else, just a simple rewrite from htaccess to web.config?

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  • 3 months later...

I'm also running PS on a windows server and found this post as an answer to your above question. You may want to read through it as you are already using the helicon isapi rewrite so it should work for you. I'm trying to get this solution implemented on our server now. Please let me know if you were able to get it working for you and what version of PS you are running. I know 1.5.2 was really buggy and I just did a clean install of the newest version and it works fine so far. Just the friendly urls are an issue but that is the windows server issue, not software for right now.



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