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1.5 Default theme changing colors

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I'm trying change 1.5 default theme colors


I've replaced Black / dark Gray color with blue #006699


But, I have a couple of problems


Footer - MY ACCOUNT is a link and its still showing as h4 #333333 using Firebug

(I'm not that familiar with using info from Firebug!)


I've looked in Global CSS but with Firebug there is a reference to my-account.css

themes > default > CSS > my-account.css has h4 set to #666

changing this makes no difference


Personally I would rather have the MY ACCOUNT heading as others - NOT linked and put in another link to update Account


Top Menu - this is OUTside of the Theme - is that the correct place to change the Topmenu?

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haha that is a very funny what you found! The color changes for all the footer exept myAccount.


Here is the solution for the footer:

there is a second CSS you need to update the color only for the myAccount footer title, here is the path below:




Go to the line: #footer .myaccount h4 and change the background color



Here is the solution for the top menu:


CSS to modify is located here:




Hope this helps!

Edited by Tropical Dream (see edit history)
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