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Is there an Installing & Using Prestashop Mobile Template v0.3.5 manual?

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Recently I've received an email from Prestashop promoting a Prestashop Mobile Template Module (version v0.3.5) available for free.


I've downloaded it and installed it sucessfully, even though it lack an Spanish translation (which I intend to do and share).


It looks OK, but it doesn't have an "Installing & Using Prestashop Mobile Template v0.3.5" user manual.


So, I propose everybody in the community use this thread to share their experiences and conform an ad-hoc manual for everyone!



Recientemente he recibido un correo electrónico promocional de Prestashop informando que se encuentra disponible de forma gratuita un módulo de Prestashop con una plantilla para Mobiles (versión v0.3.5)



He descargado e instalado con éxito este modulo, a pesar de que carece de una traducción al español (que tengo la intención de hacer y compartir).


Se ve bien, pero no tiene un manual del usuario para la "Instalación y uso de la Plantilla para Mobiles Prestashop v0.3.5".


Por lo tanto, propongo a todos en la comunidad utilizar este hilo para compartir sus experiencias y conformar un manual ad-hoc para cada uno!




Récemment, j'ai reçu un courriel de la promotion d'un module "Prestashop Template mobile (version v0.3.5)" disponible gratuitement.


Je l'ai téléchargé et installé avec succès, même s'il manque une traduction en espagnol (que j'ai l'intention de faire et de partager).


Il semble OK, mais il ne dispose pas d'un "Installation & Utilisation Prestashop v0.3.5 mobile modèle" mode d'emploi.


Donc, je propose que tout le monde dans la communauté d'utiliser ce fil pour partager leurs expériences et de se conformer un manuel ad hoc pour tout le monde!

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Still no joy! :(


I am having the same problem. Keep getting the message "bad configuration file" and when I upload the mobile theme via ftp it won't show up as theme. Is there anybody who succeeded installing the mobile theme (how? ) ?


P.S.: According to the config.xml file the mobile theme seems to be considered a module. Installation as module was successful, however, it doesn't show up anywhere ... neither as module nor as theme.

Edited by prestamax (see edit history)
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For anybody else who has problems installing the mobile theme ... here is the way I got it to work correctly:


1. the mobile theme needs to be installed as MODULE (it's a module not a theme!)

2. the paypal module seems to be essential, without the paypal module you won't be able to configure the theme (strange but true :) )

3. After installing the mobile theme as module and if you have the paypal module installed you will see the mobile theme as module for Administration and it can be configured.

Edited by prestamax (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am trying to install this add-on to PS and I receive this error message:

Error: Your settings and/or your config files are not writable, please change the permissions on those files

The following module(s) were not installed successfully: mobile_theme


I can not identify what are the files that I need to change the permissions.


Huge thanks in advance for your time.

PS: I have activated the paypal module verson 3.0.9 and I also installed it as a module, not as a theme.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Recientemente he recibido un correo electrónico promocional de Prestashop informando que se encuentra disponible de forma gratuita un módulo de Prestashop con una plantilla para Mobiles (versión v0.3.5)


He descargado e instalado con éxito este modulo, a pesar de que carece de una traducción al español (que tengo la intención de hacer y compartir).


Se ve bien, pero no tiene un manual del usuario para la "Instalación y uso de la Plantilla para Mobiles Prestashop v0.3.5".


Por lo tanto, propongo a todos en la comunidad utilizar este hilo para compartir sus experiencias y conformar un manual ad-hoc para cada uno!



¿Encontraste la solución para conseguir traducir el tema para móviles? Tengo el mismo problema que tu. Incluso accedo a la herramienta de traducciones de módulos del backoffice, me crea la nueva traducción en la carpeta modules/mobile_template/ pero no aparece la traducción en la web.

¡Gracias de antemano!

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  • 2 months later...

For Prestashop 1.4.9. you'll need (not sure about version 5):


- http://addons.prestashop.com/en/payments-gateways-prestashop-modules/1748-paypal.html (install as module will update and overtake already set configurations)

- http://addons.prestashop.com/en/modules-prestashop/6222-backwardcompatibility.html (needed for running the paypal module correctly)

- finally: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/mobile-iphone/6165-prestashop-mobile-template.html (As said above: INSTALL AS MODULE NOT AS THEME. Then install it and configure it. It's straight forward and should be no problem to configure!)

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