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Best way to reuse translations across different modules


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I am currently using two modules, lets call this module1 and module2 in prestashop v1.3, which are both very similar in terms of strings used.


module1 is a standard module with translations in almost every language, while module2, is a modification of module1, which only has a few translations avalaible. The thing is to reuse module1 translations in module2.


I tried the following options:

1) I thought about copying module1/de.php to module2/de.php.


These are just two examples:

In module1/es.php:

$_MODULE['<{module1}prestashop>module1_1f9497d3e8bac9b50151416f04119cec'] = 'Pago contra reembolso';


In module2/es.php:

$_MODULE['<{module2}prestashop>module2_271486149ca62b2f6ae5d9ae97cb769a'] = 'Pago contra reembolso';


The problem is that the md5 is different althought the string is the same. How can I reuse the translations? Why md5 are different? How can I calculate those?


2) I also thought about using mod='module1' in module2 module:

{l s='Pay with cash on delivery (COD)' mod='module1'}

But it does not seem to work.


3) I also thought about using the following sintax which I have seen in another module:

{l s='Pay with cash on delivery (COD).' template='module1'}

And it does not seem to work either... maybe I have to add something special?



Do you know another way of doing this? Any reference material about how to use template='', mod='' or how to manually create md5? I couldn't find any information in the documentation.



Edited by korvins (see edit history)
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Anybody has any clue?


I found out that using:

{l s='Pay' template='order-cart'}


Actually reuses translation strings from the template, but I could not do the same between modules:

{l s='Pay' module='module2'}


Anybody has a clue about how to reuse strings in prestashop? Is it easier in v1.4 or v1.5?



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