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How to filter products by color if not use combinations?

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the filtering of products by color when i use color combination groups works fine in my PS. But im wondering how can i use the filter by color function in the category if a product has not combinations... also to some products i want to set several colors for example red and pink.


How can i do this in prestashop? Is this possible with the features of the product?


many thanks



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Thanks vekia! This is the point... I have 500 products, and color filter is essential, but there is no product variation. I mean, one design is blue, and there is no variation of that design in other color or size. So I don't know if combinations in this issue are correct, because when I think in combination I imagine "variation". The only way I know is attributes, combination and layered navigation, but I don't know if is correct.

Could someone give me a hand?

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And what if there is a product (watches) that has more colors (for example WHITE dial with RED numbers) and you want both of that colors in your filter. 

So the product will show up when I choose red OR white color in my filter. But it is still just ONE product combination (variation). 

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But we have 2500 products with plenty of color variations by one product. Color filter would look like circus :)


So there is no simple solution? I dont want to satisfy just with one color per product. I want to show every product with RED color to my customer.. :/ Because as a customer I would expect that the filter will work that way.

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So my first solution would work, I think you don't understand exactly what I suggested.


Two SETS (or LISTS of colors) not 2 colors.  


LISTS  Color 1   and  Color 2    both containing all the colors, if you want.


From the first list you choose black and from the second you choose red. That would filter your product.

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