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Show products on left menu


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Im building a shop that doesn´t have many products so im trying to show on the menu the first categories and the list of products on each category.


Im trying to adapt the code on product-list.tpl into category-tree-branch.tpl but i dont know if is better idea to change the function getTree on blockcategories.php


I dont know if would be easier to create a subcategory and check if the the subcategory have only one product and go to the product page instead a category page with a list of just one element


It´s my first pretashop and im alittle bit lost, please help!

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For this you really must have very few products.


Easier way would be to show the entire tree (without to have to click on each sub categories).

You can also use this solution http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/178299-multiple-product-pages-in-home-page/page__fromsearch__1


Else if you really are stuck to your solution, make a copy of blockcategories module, rename it and make the change you need.

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I want to display products belonging to each category on the left menu, I have few products, have you find the good way to modify blockcategories.php and blockcategories.tpl? I'm new in prestashop and i'm looking for the better way to do it?

thanks for your help

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I have created a module from blockcategories. If you clic on a category with only one product, will show the product page. otherwise if the category have more than one product goes to the category page with the list of products.


For me is working ok but im new on PHP and Prestashop so if you find anything wrong please let me know


here is the module, just install it from the admin panel


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