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[Module] Affiche le contenu de Xoops News


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CmakXoops est un module Prestashop qui affiche le contenu du module News de Xoops.


Les articles que vous publiez dans Xoops sont affichés dans votre boutique Prestashop.

Ce module peu être utilisé comme blog et pour la publication de documents dans le front office.


Version 1.1 : cmakxoops.zip







  • Affiche le contenu de Xoops News dans le Front Office de Prestashop
  • Bloc des news récentes
  • Connexion à une base de donnée Xoops séparée de la base Prestashop
  • Inclusion des balises meta keywords & description
  • Implémentation des URL réécrites
  • Boutons de partage vers les réseaux sociaux
  • Flux RSS des news
  • Google sitemap

Page du projet CmakXoops

A propos de Xoops et du module News

Edited by cmak (see edit history)
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Cette vidéo montre comment installer CmakXoops dans Prestashop.





1 - Install


1.1 - Download from google code

Get the lastest version of CmakXoops from http://cmakxoops.googlecode.com/


1.2 - Use the Prestashop module install process

Add a new module from url or from downloaded zip file

Once CmakXoops module is installed, two tasks must be done


1.3 - Setup Tools override

In order to handle meta tags from Xoops News data, the Prestashop Tools

class must be overrided


Copy the file <cmakxoops_zip_package>/cmakxoops/override/classes/Tool.php

To <prestashop_root>/override/classes/


If there is an existing override for the Tools class, you must merge it with

the cmakxoops override.


1.4 - Renew .htaccess for friendly URLs

If your Prestashop install uses url rewriting features, the .htaccess file must

be re-generated.


Use the Prestashop generator from the Prestashop admin panel:

'Tools' tab > 'Generators' link > 'Generate .htaccess file' button





2 - Configure


Once the CmakXoops module is installed go to modules tab, find the cmakXoops

module and hit 'configure' link.


2.1 Database configuration

CmakXoops can handle datas from another database from where Prestashop is installed

Just fill in the form with the Xoops database informations. This can be the same

database for Xoops and Prestashop


2.2 Xoops configuration

Once the databse is configured and verified by the cmakXoops script, the Xoops

configuration from is displayed.

- Xoops site root url is needed to find and display images

- News Xoops Module must be specified

- Xoops anonymous users must be specified

- News title is the title of the root topic

- Description of the root topic


2.3 Block configuration

Once the Xoops configuration is set, the block configuration is displayed

Display short text checkbox let you choose if you want to display the hometext,

the scoop section of a news story


2.4 RSS configuration

- Set the maximum number of article displayed in the rss feed.

Set to zero to get all the news articles displayed in the rss feed

- RSS as alternate adds the feed url to the meta alternate links to the head

of generated html pages. This information is handled by browsers and crawlers

- Feed Manager URL

Use this field if you want register the News Feed with a feed manager service

like Feedburner.

First register your RSS Feed (see information section to get the news feed URL)

The feed manager service host a managed feed build from your rss. This service

gives you a hosted url for your feed.

Put in the 'Feed Manager URL' field the URL of the managed rss feed.

And CmakXoops will display this managed and hosted URL instead of the local one.






4 - Customization


Some Social Network sharing links are displayed in front office for each news



By default, Facebook, Tweeter, Google+, Email are diaplayed

This feature uses the AddThis online service.


The list of social networks buttons can be custolized by editing the template file

cmakxoops-news.tpl on lines 39 to 44

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  • 3 months later...

xoops est un cms open-source, plutôt adapté aux portails communautaires.

de par sa conception il intéresse aussi les développeur d'applications web et intranet.

j'ai développé ce module pour un besoin particulier : afficher un blog dans une boutique, les articles étant créés dans xoops.

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