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[SOLVED] Vouchers not working for anyone above 1.4.7.

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I have searched extensivley through the Presta Forum and while finding many such threads to do with vouchers none of them seem to havea solution.


Is it possible for someone from the development team to have a look at the issue and find out what is causing it please as there are many of us frustrated by the issue.... I posted on my Facebook business wall and everyone seems to have the same issue.


OK... so.... Vouchers are created as should be. ALL fields filled in as should be as recomended by the Presta Docs and some of the threads 'trying' to fix the issue on here.


Customer gets to checkout page and inserts their code and...... nothing.


The store simply doesn't see that anything has been entered into the voucher field box.. it refreshes the page without changing the price and it clears the voucher box of the code one just put in.


So... It is 'trying' to do what it needs to but isn't aknowledging there has been any input into the voucher input box.


While I know a fair bit about deisgn and programming I am finding it hard to see where the broken link is between the input box and the 'reading' of it by Presta.


Any ideas would be awesome!


meanwhile.. i will go back and dig about as currently I have to use group discount to give my customers a sale and that isn't ideal as not all items are in the sale.


Yzzy :)


Code from Prestashop theme shopping cart .tpl

{if sizeof($discounts)}
 {foreach from=$discounts item=discount name=discountLoop}
  <tr class="cart_discount {if $smarty.foreach.discountLoop.last}last_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.discountLoop.first}first_item{else}item{/if}" id="cart_discount_{$discount.id_discount}">
<td class="cart_discount_name" colspan="2">{$discount.name}</td>
<td class="cart_discount_description" colspan="3">{$discount.description}</td>
<td class="cart_discount_delete"><a href="{if $opc}{$link->getPageLink('order-opc.php', true)}{else}{$link->getPageLink('order.php', true)}{/if}?deleteDiscount={$discount.id_discount}" title="{l s='Delete'}"><img src="{$img_dir}icon/delete.gif" alt="{l s='Delete'}" class="icon" width="11" height="13" /></a></td>
<td class="cart_discount_price"><span class="price-discount">
 {if $discount.value_real > 0}
  {if !$priceDisplay}{displayPrice price=$discount.value_real*-1}{else}{displayPrice price=$discount.value_tax_exc*-1}{/if}
{if $voucherAllowed}
<div id="cart_voucher" class="table_block">
{if isset($errors_discount) && $errors_discount}
 <ul class="error">
 {foreach from=$errors_discount key=k item=error}
<form action="{if $opc}{$link->getPageLink('order-opc.php', true)}{else}{$link->getPageLink('order.php', true)}{/if}" method="post" id="voucher">
  <h4>{l s='Vouchers'}</h4>
<label for="discount_name">{l s='Code:'}</label>
<input type="text" id="discount_name" name="discount_name" value="{if isset($discount_name) && $discount_name}{$discount_name}{/if}" />
  <p class="submit"><input type="hidden" name="submitDiscount" /><input type="submit" name="submitAddDiscount" value="{l s='Add'}" class="button" /></p>
 {if $displayVouchers}
  <h4>{l s='Take advantage of our offers:'}</h4>
  <div id="display_cart_vouchers">
  {foreach from=$displayVouchers item=voucher}
<span onclick="$('#discount_name').val('{$voucher.name}');return false;" class="voucher_name">{$voucher.name}</span> - {$voucher.description} <br />


code from theme I am using:


<form action="{$base_dir_ssl}order.php" method="post" id="voucher">
  <h4>{l s='Vouchers'}</h4>
   <label for="discount_name">{l s='Code:'}</label>
   <input type="text" id="discount_name" name="discount_name" value="{if $discount_name}{$discount_name}{/if}" />
  <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submitDiscount" value="{l s='Add'}" class="button" /></p>

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Hi Yzzy,

Vouchers do in fact work in versions of PrestaShop beyond 1.4.7, but if you think that this is a bug in PrestaShop's software, please feel free to post a new report to our development team here.




With respect I have spoken to over 20 people today that we installed Prestashop for and none of them work.


I am about to test my fix... back once I have the results!

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With respect I have spoken to over 20 people today that we installed Prestashop for and none of them work.


I am about to test my fix... back once I have the results!


Before responding to your post, I went ahead and tested this on clean installations of every version of PrestaShop from to and was unable to replicate this error. However, I do know that some users do end up having this sort of issue on their specific sites. I just wanted to make it clear that we have extensively tested it to be sure that this is not a bug in the software itself. I look forward to seeing your solution, and will be happy to pass it along to our development team if it looks to be an improvement over our existing setup.



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OK open your theme and open





  <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submitDiscount" value="{l s='Add'}" class="button" /></p>


Replace with:

  <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submitAddDiscount" value="{l s='Add'}" class="button" /></p>


the submit button was miisng its 'Add'... so simple yet such a pain! lol


refresh the store, empty cache etc etc and it's fixed! There are about 25 posts out there all asking the same question and none of them have the solution... perhaps they should all have a link to this thread as I know some of our clients have been ripping their hair out trying to figure out how to have vouchers working.

Edited by Yzzy (see edit history)
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OK open your theme and open





  <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submitDiscount" value="{l s='Add'}" class="button" /></p>


Replace with:

  <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submitAddDiscount" value="{l s='Add'}" class="button" /></p>


refresh the store, empty cache etc etc and it's fixed! There are about 25 posts out there all asking the same question and none of them have the solution... perhaps they should all have a link to this thread as I know some of our clients have been ripping their hair out trying to figure out how to have vouchers working.


Thank you, I will pass this along to our development team to get this input on this, and will go ahead and mark this thread as solved for you. Happy selling!



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Before responding to your post, I went ahead and tested this on clean installations of every version of PrestaShop from to and was unable to replicate this error. However, I do know that some users do end up having this sort of issue on their specific sites. I just wanted to make it clear that we have extensively tested it to be sure that this is not a bug in the software itself. I look forward to seeing your solution, and will be happy to pass it along to our development team if it looks to be an improvement over our existing setup.




yes it was 100% a theme error...


I knew I could find it! :)

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  • 3 months later...

Can someone tell me the complete flow of the voucher system? I mean this: I have the same error. Make a voucher in the BO, fill in all fields, enter it during the order at the FO and no changes are made. Prices remain the same and even no error code when using a wrong voucher code.


I did the modification as described above, but the changes where already made bij PS in the new version NOTE: Even with the default theme it's not working. So it might be something else than a theme issue.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Me too, I am using 1.5.3 and am going crazy trying to figure out why my vouchers dont even have the option to be used in my cart?? i have gone through and entered all the correct info in the back office but there isnt even a place to enter a voucher code when I do try it with my test account in the front office - someone please help?? elementofstylebridal.com/prestashop is my shop if you want to see for yourself

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Hello. I have PS, and I have same problem with discount coupon. There is no way to make it work with a theme, but I think that it is a theme problem, because switching to the default PS theme, it works, and cool too. The problem is that is not a "shopping-cart.tpl" issue, becuase I tried to move the shopping-cart.tpl from default PS theme, to the new shopping-cart.tpl "prestashop_new" theme. Nothing to do, but the default prestashop theme, work. Now the question is:

what other files are retrieved when switching theme, excluding the .TPL files in theme folder ?


Hope someone can help.




SOLVED: there was not a Prestashop problem, but a conflict with a banner CMS platform installed: OpenX (but only with an header banner...dunno why..)

Edited by rob84 (see edit history)
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  • 4 months later...


i do a upgrade for my shop (ps 1.4.7) to ps 1.5.2

the form of discount coupon of the shopping cart not displayed


when i change the code

{if $voucherAllowed} per {if $voucherAllowed==0}


the form displayed but the cart not refreshed


please can you help me

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  • 7 months later...

Hi !


I have the same probelm  that the coupon field is not even appearing in my front office. I would appreciate if someone could let me know what the final solution is as I have seen many posts and it is a bit confusing.


Thank you !



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