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(Solved) Problems with attributes

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when i try adding a second attribute to a shop article i get in trouble. the first scrolldown menue
was working befor correctly (pic A) and the pic on the left changed accordingly. When i add a second attribute (pic B) nothing works again even the first attribute scroller doesnt work anymore and the green BESTELLEN-Button disapears and i can read "Availability: this product is not available...."

Please help

Thanks a lot




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You need to add quantity to each attribute, as system thinks that these are all separated products. Easiest way is handle attributes with product attribute generator. There You can set, how much products You want to generate and with attributes.

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Hi spott,
thanks for your help. I will try out our suggestion. I think if someone would write a tutorial about multiple attributes it could be very helpfull. I am sure that i am not the only one whith that problem.
Thanks a lot

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  • 2 weeks later...


I also have this problem.
I haven't use the generator.

I have twice attributes for products, sizes and colors.
At the creation of the table of products and product variants of products, product_attribute, there is no problem.

I created a product and its variations such as:

size 1 red

size 2 red
size 2 blue
size 2 yellow

When I do a product page, the form offers me the two lists of attributes.
If I chose size 1, I see all the colors in the other list, instead of display as that which exists for the size 1.
This is not the most embarrassing, the problem is that if I choose the color blue is not this size, it puts in the cart, the product red instead of saying that the product is unavailable!

to have no problem, I put the stocks of products that do not exist at zero.

This prohibits the the possibility of allowing the order in case of stock shortage for all items, even for the existing variations.
Is this behavior going to change in the future?

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Hi reinette,
please try the following:
1. create for each configuration a pic
2. dont use long names for the pic, no more than 12 characters are displayed in the attributes picture popup
3. go to the Attributes and groups tab and fill in your desired attributes
4. in the Atrributes tab of your product use for each configuration the two Groups and Attributes popup and write in the Anzahl field (100 or else) products in stock and click add and then use the picture popup and choose the right pic.
5. you can see then in the list below each configuration and you can easy change these settings there

If you have more than just a few configuration, you can use the product configurator. But unfortunately the generated list may not be in a order you like, so adding the right pics is a real challenge...

Hope this works


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