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[SOLVED] Bank Wire not showing up!

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hi all,


just an update regarding the above. Paypal is showing as the only payment method but when you click it, it asks you to confirm your order and below is an option for other payment methods, once this is clicked the it shows bank wire and paypal as the payment options?? any ideas on how to fix this?



heath (again)

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Hi Mike,


the only changes i made was placing a border around my newsletter and categories. i disabled PayPal to force Bank Wire to show on the payment page and it did, i re-enabled PayPal and it looks like it is working again. I dont know what has caused it or if it will happen again?



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Hi Mike,


the only changes i made was placing a border around my newsletter and categories. i disabled PayPal to force Bank Wire to show on the payment page and it did, i re-enabled PayPal and it looks like it is working again. I dont know what has caused it or if it will happen again?




Sometimes, all it takes is resetting a module to fix things. My guess is that you won't have the issue again after doing that. Happy selling!



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  • 2 years later...

Adding/Editing the modules section cause this to the bank wire and cheque payment,just need to click at the dropdown menu where its the configure button and click ¨Reset¨ and input again your details for those payments,and they will be shown.i had the same problem only with one click Reset its showing up

I tried with disable them but didnt work so reset them is the best way.hope this to help to other users using those payment methods

Edited by angelbmw (see edit history)
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