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Best way to put phone number at the top of my shop?

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What theme are you using? It all depends where you want to place it and how you want to align but for starters you could try something simple like <p>Phone : 12344556677</p> or <h3 class="phone">Phone : 12344556677</h3>


Then set the h3. phone style within your css with the font, size and possition you require.


Without seeing the site, knowing where you want to place it, the code or theme involved to answer it with an exact example is like asking how long is a bit of string

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Yes you can, if you open up contact-form.tpl line 30 you should see something like


<h1>{l s='Customer Service'} - {if isset($customerThread) && $customerThread}{l s='Your reply'}{else}{l s='Contact us'}{/if}</h1>


Place under that <p>Telephone your number</p> or you can experiment with the h tags h1 - h6 just change the p to <h3></h3> or any number you wish. Add <strong></strong> if you want to make it bold.


The number appears just under the contact customer services I would also place another <p>your address</p>

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I *think* there is a contact module out there. You could the extra row in the lanugage file and the database filed to allow for the extra translation but if your not happy doing that you could add a "phone" icon next to the telephone number

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Yeah id do something like :


h5.call {

font-size: 18px;

font-size: 1.8rem;

font-weight: normal;

background-image: url(../img/call.png);

padding-left: 48px;

background-repeat: no-repeat;

line-height: 31px;

height: 38px;



Then contact page do something like : <h5 class="call">Phone 1234567890</h5>


Above code works if your png is 43 x 36px if you make your larger or smaller you will need to play around with the hight of the tag and the line hight


Padding left allows for the space from the icon to the text

Line Height: aligns the text to the image so its center or there abouts

heigh: is the class hight gives enough breathing room for the image hight in this case 36


These values would need to be altered if you changed the text hight


Another option would be if you wanted the phone number to be bold or a different colour to the "phone"


wrap the number in <strong></strong> inside the h5 tag or for a colour <span style="color: #f00;"> </span>

Edited by cocothecat (see edit history)
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