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[SOLVED] separate line for TAX amount not showing up on checkout page

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The tax line is not showing up on the check out page. The correct total is being calculated by prestashop but there is no separate line for the tax amount as required in the U.S.


I was having the same problem with the cart block on the home page but was able to fix that with the solution provided > HERE< by tdr170



In Back Office > Payment > Taxes, I have "Display tax in cart:" checked "Yes" but there is still no tax line on the checkout page that shows the amount of tax. Taxes are being correctly calculated but there is no individual display of the tax amount.


I am using theme prestashop_new on and I have changed to 'force compile -YES' and 'Cache - NO' several times (have also cleared my browser cache repeatedly after making changes).


I attached photos showing how the tax amount is being displayed in the cart drop-down on the main page, but how the tax line is not showing up on the check out page for the same order.


I appreciate your help.



Edited by CarriedAwayCrafts (see edit history)
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Basically this only applies to people using the 'prestashop_new template'. It seems that for some unknown reason the whole section that allows the tax etc to be shown on the cart summary has been commented out in the .tpl file. I cannot understand why this was done because it is a vital function and nothing to do with design aesthetics.




First, open up 'shopping-cart.tpl' in your theme folder and around line 84 find this:


<!-- {if $use_taxes}
{if $priceDisplay}
 <tr class="cart_total_price">
  <td colspan="5">{l s='Total products'}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax excl.)'}{/if}{l s=':'}</td>
  <td class="price" id="total_product">{displayPrice price=$total_products}</td>
 <tr class="cart_total_price">
  <td colspan="5">{l s='Total products'}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax incl.)'}{/if}{l s=':'}</td>
  <td class="price" id="total_product">{displayPrice price=$total_products_wt}</td>
<tr class="cart_total_price">
 <td colspan="5">{l s='Total products:'}</td>
 <td class="price" id="total_product">{displayPrice price=$total_products}</td>
  {/if} -->


Remove the '<!--' from the beginning and the '-->' from the end.


Secondly, at around line 172 find this:


<!--<tr class="cart_total_price">
<td colspan="5">{l s='Total (tax excl.):'}</td>
<td class="price" id="total_price_without_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_price_without_tax}</td>
  <tr class="cart_total_tax">
<td colspan="5">{l s='Total tax:'}</td>
<td class="price" id="total_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_tax}</td>
  </tr> -->


And do exactly the same as before. (note: if you don't need it to show the sub-total price excl. tax then move the last comment up to line 175)


Finally, to make it all show (only some of will after this first stage) open up your 'global.css' from your theme folder.

About line 748 or there about you will find:


.cart_total_tax {display:none}


Remove this completely. Finally, add these two lines in its place to sort out the border styling:


#total_product.price {border-right:none}
#total_tax.price {border-right:none}


All done. And it should look something like this: see attachment (obviously ignore my own styling and textual changes) :)


Edited by Flaunt (see edit history)
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coolu, it is probably because of the following:



Basically this only applies to people using the 'prestashop_new template'.



The 'new' prestashop default theme, is at the following: http://addons.presta...emplate-15.html


If you are using the new theme then follow Flaunts fix above; particularly when he says:


Finally, to make it all show (only some of will after this first stage) open up your 'global.css' from your theme folder. About line 748 or there about you will find: .cart_total_tax {display:none}


Hope this helps.

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