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Top sellers block question

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The blockbestsllers-home.tpl displays the best selling products on my site. However it displays the price including Taxes / VAT.


How can I change this so it displays the prices without taxes / VAT?


I it this line within blockbestsellers.php that needs changing:


$bestseller['price'] = Tools::displayPrice(Product::getPriceStatic((int)($bestseller['id_product'])), $currency);



Please help!





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The blockbestsllers-home.tpl displays the best selling products on my site. However it displays the price including Taxes / VAT.


How can I change this so it displays the prices without taxes / VAT?


I it this line within blockbestsellers.php that needs changing:


$bestseller['price'] = Tools::displayPrice(Product::getPriceStatic((int)($bestseller['id_product'])), $currency);



Please help!








I'm on prestashop 1.4.9 and I'm using the module blockbestsellers2. Open the file blockbestsellers2.php and find the line 122


$bestseller['price'] = Tools::displayPrice(Product::getPriceStatic((int)($bestseller['id_product'])),$currency);


It's, as you said, the line you have to modify. Just add ", false" after ($bestseller['id_product']) it'll set the argument $usetax to false


$bestseller['price'] = Tools::displayPrice(Product::getPriceStatic((int)($bestseller['id_product']),false),$currency);




For your general knowledge, here is the definition of the function getPriceStatic

public static function getPriceStatic($id_product, $usetax = true, $id_product_attribute = NULL, $decimals = 6, $divisor = NULL, $only_reduc = false, $usereduc = true, $quantity = 1, $forceAssociatedTax = false, $id_customer = NULL, $id_cart = NULL, $id_address_delivery = NULL)

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