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Problems with russian plurals

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Hi all!


Im stack with translation plurals in russian language. The core of my problem is differences in our languages.


In english we got 1 "product", then 1 to infinity gonna be "products".

In russian:


1 "product (товар)",

2 - 4 "products (товара)",

5 - 20 "products (товаров)",


21 "product (товар)"

22-24 "products (товара)"

25-30 "products (товаров)"


And then this rule goes endlessly.


So i need to change files with the code to complete with russian translation. For example, code in modules/loyalty/product.tpl :


{if $points}
	{l s='By buying this product you can collect up to' mod='loyalty'} <b>{$points}
	{if $points > 1}{l s='loyalty points' mod='loyalty'}{else}{l s='loyalty point' mod='loyalty'}{/if}</b>


Would be very nice if someone can help me!

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  • 3 weeks later...
in your example you mention product and products as needing to be товар, товара or товаров. However in the code you provided, I do not see a place where product is plural, did I not understand right?


probably i explained that not very well. I need to dispay 3 different forms of word depending on the amount of points.



For 1 (21,31,41...,101,121,131) point its gonna be "товар", for 2-4 (22-24,32-34,42-44....,102-104,122-124,132-134) - "товара", for 5-10 (25-30, 35-40, 45-50....,105-120,125-130,135-140) - "товаров".



this rule goes endlessly except the second ten of numbers

(10-20 remane "товаров", as well as 110-120 gonna be "товаров").


I know this is crazy... really hard to understand if u never teached or had a look at russian language. I did my best to explain.

Anyway, thanks for your response, bellini13.

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