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Help creating external links through the categories module

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Hey everyone


Could someone with some php knowledge please help me out


i have a horizontal navigation which takes up the the width of the whole page and i need to be able to use some of the links on the navigation to link to pages outside of the site and to cms pages within the site


my logic is that i'd like to be able to create the link name('our partner site' etc) by creating categories in the backend so that the name would display as a link,


and then basically have the code check the id of the category using an if statement.. if the category id equaled a certain number then it would take the user to a "www.site.com" etc instead of the to the category product tree.. and i could set that number


this is the basic code in my categories module tpl file..


does anyone have any idea how something like this could be done?

surely its just an if statement?


plz could someone help me out, or point me in the right direction


Thanks alot!


<div id="categories">
{counter start=1010 direction=down skip=10 print=false}
<ul id="cat">
{foreach from=$blockCategTree.children item=child name=blockCategTree}
{if $smarty.foreach.blockCategTree.last}
{include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child last='true'}
{include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child}

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