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Category access for new customers group

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i'm using PS and i've created a new customer group.


I have about 300 categories and i want to grant the access to all these categories for this new customers group.


I've seen that i have to go into all categories and select the checkbox, but i would like to know if is it possibile to do this automatically.


How can I do?



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you can do this by adding the correct entries to the ps_category_group database table. each row in the table is the category_id and the group_id


so assuming you have categories 1, 2 and 3, and your group_id is 2, then you would have 3 entries

1, 2

2, 2

3, 2

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It is necessary to create a file in PrestaShop root (updCategoryGroup.php), and call it, it can be done even from browser line -myStore.com/updCategoryGroup.php

Then add the following code:






$new_group = 4; // there is ID of new group

$categories = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS('


FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c

LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)Context::getContext()->language->id.')



foreach($categories as $category){

$categoryObj = new Category($category['id_category'], (int)Context::getContext()->language->id);




Best regards.


Valérie Assetskaya/ Valerie Assetskaya

Responsable du Soutien Clientèle à BelVG/Support manager at BelVG

module-presta.com - modules Prestashop de BelVG/ BelVG PrestaShop modules






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  • 2 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a lot of group more than 4000 since i need to set up customer discount on category and the only way is creating 1 group for each customer.


I've got 4000 group and 40 categories i will obtain 160000 row .... just a bit weird ...


Is there a way to disable group access ?


thank you in advance for any good reply ;-)

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  • 9 months later...

Just execute this SQL comman via your phpmyadmin or download adminer. Super fast and easy all in one SQL command no complicated cycles.

INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_category_group` (`id_category`,`id_group`)
SELECT DISTINCT `id_category`, 8 /*this number is your id group*/ FROM `ps_category`

Dont forget to change your DB_PREFIX

Edited by Cerhan (see edit history)
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On 1/27/2015 at 4:53 AM, Cerhan said:

Just execute this SQL comman via your phpmyadmin or download adminer. Super fast and easy all in one SQL command no complicated cycles.

INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_category_group` (`id_category`,`id_group`)
SELECT DISTINCT `id_category`, 8 /*this number is your id group*/ FROM `ps_category`

Dont forget to change your DB_PREFIX

Hi @Cerhan

There have been a couple of different questions in this thread so can I please confirm before I run the SQL command...

The purpose of this command is to assign ALL categories to the specified customer group as per original poster question?


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yes it does. Although i didn't work with prestashop for a while, so it's up to you to test if it still works (it should). I strongly recommend to run it first on some test environment, or at least backup your database.

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18 hours ago, Cerhan said:

yes it does. Although i didn't work with prestashop for a while, so it's up to you to test if it still works (it should). I strongly recommend to run it first on some test environment, or at least backup your database.

Thanks for the reply and for sharing the command.  I ran the command on a test store and it worked well on v1.6.1.18

Thanks again

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  • 2 years later...

@inspectaclueso @Cerhan


I want to add a new user group to all the categories on a PS

In my case the new group ID is "9" and my DB_PREFIX is the following one:


So can you tell me if the script should be like this?

INSERT IGNORE INTO `prstshp_category_group` (`id_category`,`id_group`)

SELECT DISTINCT `id_category`, 9 FROM `prstshp_category`


Thanks in advance!

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hace 1 hora, Antakarana dijo:

@inspectaclueso @Cerhan


I want to add a new user group to all the categories on a PS

In my case the new group ID is "9" and my DB_PREFIX is the following one:


So can you tell me if the script should be like this?

INSERT IGNORE INTO `prstshp_category_group` (`id_category`,`id_group`)

SELECT DISTINCT `id_category`, 9 FROM `prstshp_category`


Thanks in advance!

I'm gonna answer myself....


Yes... it works!!! :D


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  • 3 years later...

Hi all, this is a weird problem of Prestashop, there should be a better way of doing this by now that doesn't require us to run scripts.

Here's a better way of achieving this with error handling functionalities:

CREATE PROCEDURE GrantAccessToAllCategories()
    -- An error has occurred, rollback the transaction


  INSERT INTO ps_category_group (id_category, id_group)
  SELECT ps_category.id_category, XX
  FROM ps_category
    SELECT 1 
    FROM ps_category_group 
    WHERE ps_category_group.id_category = ps_category.id_category 
    AND ps_category_group.id_group = XX


This script works works database prefixes PS_ (if yours is different you should change this value). Also change the XX with the actual Group ID you want to grant permissions to all the categories.

NB: I haven't personally tested it, so please be cautious and make you backups.

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