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[SOLVED] Change Reference to SKU

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I am trying to figure out it if it possible to change the "Reference" field to "SKU". The Reference field does exactly what I need to display a product number, but just as a matter of personal preference I would like it to say SKU. Is this possible?





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Hi Byron,

To change that text in your Front Office, you will need to open your theme's product.tpl file and find the following code (around line 321):


<p id="product_reference" {if isset($groups) OR !$product->reference}style="display: none;"{/if}><label for="product_reference">{l s='Reference :'} </label><span class="editable">{$product->reference|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span></p>


and replace it with


<p id="product_reference" {if isset($groups) OR !$product->reference}style="display: none;"{/if}><label for="product_reference">{l s='SKU :'} </label><span class="editable">{$product->reference|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span></p>


To change it in the Back Office as well, open your admin/tabs/AdminProducts.php file, and around line 2221, find:


<td class="col-left">'.$this->l('Reference:').'</td>


and replace it with


<td class="col-left">'.$this->l('SKU:').'</td>


I hope this helps.



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Hi Byron,

To change that text in your Front Office, you will need to open your theme's product.tpl file and find the following code (around line 321):


<p id="product_reference" {if isset($groups) OR !$product->reference}style="display: none;"{/if}><label for="product_reference">{l s='Reference :'} </label><span class="editable">{$product->reference|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span></p>


and replace it with


<p id="product_reference" {if isset($groups) OR !$product->reference}style="display: none;"{/if}><label for="product_reference">{l s='SKU :'} </label><span class="editable">{$product->reference|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span></p>


To change it in the Back Office as well, open your admin/tabs/AdminProducts.php file, and around line 2221, find:


<td class="col-left">'.$this->l('Reference:').'</td>


and replace it with


<td class="col-left">'.$this->l('SKU:').'</td>


I hope this helps.





And for me, it did not help, I changed the word everywhere possible and nothing has changed.

What is wrong?

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