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How to remove "Short description" in the "Featured products block"?

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You can do that by commenting out some code in the template file of the module. If, for example, your PrestaShop is installed in a folder called prestashop directly in the public_html directory on your hosting account, the path to the file would be public_html/prestashop/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl. Find the following code in that file and comment it out:


<div class="product_desc">
<a href="{$product.link}" title="{l s='More' mod='homefeatured'}">



You can comment it out by putting an exclamation mark and two hyphens after the first bracket (e.g. <!--div class) and two hyphens before the last bracket for that string of code (e.g. div-->).


When you make changes to template files you should also enable the Force compile option from the back office of your store (Preferences tab>Performance sub-tab>Force compile set to Yes). In this way you'll be able to see the changes when you refresh the frontend of the site. When you're done with the changes to the template file, disable the force compile.


Hope this helps.

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Nice. Thanks a lot, hxd.


You can do that by commenting out some code in the template file of the module. If, for example, your PrestaShop is installed in a folder called prestashop directly in the public_html directory on your hosting account, the path to the file would be public_html/prestashop/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl. Find the following code in that file and comment it out:


<div class="product_desc">
<a href="{$product.link}" title="{l s='More' mod='homefeatured'}">



You can comment it out by putting an exclamation mark and two hyphens after the first bracket (e.g. <!--div class) and two hyphens before the last bracket for that string of code (e.g. div-->).


When you make changes to template files you should also enable the Force compile option from the back office of your store (Preferences tab>Performance sub-tab>Force compile set to Yes). In this way you'll be able to see the changes when you refresh the frontend of the site. When you're done with the changes to the template file, disable the force compile.


Hope this helps.

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