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Hide Color select box, only show the color picker

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I am trying to hide the color select box in the product page. Right now the color picker and the color select box are both showing in the product page.


I have find the code and try to modify it manually but without sucess.


<div class="clearblock"></div>

{* attributes *}

{if isset($groups)}

{foreach from=$groups key=id_attribute_group item=group}

{if $group.attributes|@count}


{assign var="groupName" value="group_$id_attribute_group"}

<label for="group_{$id_attribute_group|intval}">{$group.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}:</label><select name="{$groupName}" id="group_{$id_attribute_group|intval}" onchange="javascript:findCombination();{if $colors|@count > 0}$('#wrapResetImages').show('slow');{/if};">

{foreach from=$group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute}

<option value="{$id_attribute|intval}"{if (isset($smarty.get.$groupName) && $smarty.get.$groupName|intval == $id_attribute) || $group.default == $id_attribute} selected="selected"{/if} title="{$group_attribute|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$group_attribute|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</option>









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  • 2 months later...

since there is no id for the select I dont think that a display:none is a good solution. I think the good idea should be to create an exception for the group, so when the group id = id of color it won't show up. Anybody have done this before? I checked this but code it's corrupted

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