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French pack translation for Prestashop (with more than 700 corrections and enhancements)


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The latest French pack translation for Prestashop (with more than 700 corrections and enhancements)


Correction includes: grammar, orthographic mistakes, punctuations, miss-translations, wrong translations, unifying translation for some words


Sections corrected are :

-Front Office translations

-Error mesages translations

-PDF translations

-Back Office translations (till AdminFeaturesValues - 6 expressions)


The remainings parts in 'Back Office translations,' 'Field name translations' and 'E-mail templates translations,' will be soon checked and uploaded here.


Some samples for corrections done:


English source: Category

Old translation: Categorie

New translation: Catégorie


English source: Save

Old translation: Sauvegarder

New translation: Enregistrer


English source: Please fill the message that appears by default when you answer a thread on the customer service page

Old translation: Veuillez renseigner le message qui apparaîtra par défaut lorsque vous répondrez à un fil sur le service client

New translation: Veuillez remplir le message par défaut lorsque vous répondrez à un sujet sur la page du service client


English source: E-mails will be sent to this address

Old translation: L'email sera envoyé à cette adresse

New translation: Les e-mails seront envoyés à cette adresse


English source: Will display back your last registered layout

Old translation: Ré-affichera votre dernière mise en page enregistrer

New translation: Ré-affichera votre dernière mise en page enregistrée


English source: Save this county then you will be able to associate zipcodes

Old translation: Vous devez sauvegarder ce comté avant de pouvoir lui associer des codes postaux

New translation: Enregistrez ce comté afin de pouvoir lui associer des codes postaux


English source: ISO code num

Old translation: ISO code num

New translation: Code ISO numérique


English source: Allow or disallow this employee to log into this Back Office

Old translation: Autoriser cet employé à se connecter au Back Office

New translation: Autoriser ou refuser à cet employé la connexion au Back Office


Please save your actual French translation pack before using this new pack.


To use the actual pack, simply extract the attached file to obtain 'fr.gzip', then import it to your shop using the tool available at your administration panel.


If you have any other suggestions to improve the actual pack, please share.


Note: Corrections are based upon the actual French Official Pack available at Prestashop since Feb 23, 2012.


Thank you


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