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How to Translate specific sections in PrestaShop


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While correcting and achieving the French translation pack, the 'Field name translations' available under 'Back Office > Tools > Translations,' caught my attention.


Basically the default English 'Field names' are in lowercase, and the space between words is replaced with an underscore '_'


English Samples:






Whilst in the French language -also in other languages such as Germans and Spanish- this rule is not respected, the 'Field name translation' contains words in uppercase, spaces between words, brackets, and special characters such 'é.'


French Samples:

id_customer > ID du client

id_manufacturer > ID du fournisseur

address1 > adresse (1)

phone_mobile > téléphone portable


At my knowledge, 'Field names' will be called by the PHP code source to execute a specific functions, my questions are :


1-Is the actual French 'Field name translations' correct ?


2-If the French 'Field name translations' contains spaces between words, brackets, and special characters such 'é,' does the compiler will recognize them and execute the adequate function related to that translated field?


3-At 'Error translations' available under 'Back Office > Tools > Translations,' some fields name are integrated within the sentences that will be translated.


Samples :

Fatal Error: id_transaction is null

description_short: length >


If those fields are recognized by the translator through the underscore, how can we recognize the other strings and avoid to translate them as a simple sentence and not as a field name, or as a part of the code.


Thank you for you help.

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