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[PS] Why Google Sitemap Module doesn't create multi-lang products URL?


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i'm using PS and Google Sitemap Module version 1.8.


I've created a new sitemap.xml, but checking it, i've seen that there are only /en/ URLs for product, when i've also /it/ products!


My store has italian as default language, so i prefer to have a good italian indicization than the english index.


What can i do?



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HI pepozzo, I see the sitemap of your website includes now the URL in both language, could you tell me how you managed to do it ? Thanks a lot in advance !


Any of you guys resolve the issue yet?

Having the same problem with my site... :(

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I went back to version 1.7.2 and luckily it worked !


Thanks for the reply!

I intentionally upgraded to 1.8 because 1.7.2 was giving me a lot of duplicate meta descriptions and title tags in Google Webmaster Tools. (one for each language)

You don't have that problem?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


I was facing the same problem in PS and gsitemap v 1.8, so I modified the gsitemap.php file to correct this bug.

Now products are treated for all languages in the xml sitemap.


I also added an XSL stylesheet to have a better display of the XML file in browsers. (this doesn't make any difference for search engines)


Here is an archive containing the modified gsitemap.php and the stylesheet.xsl file.



- Copy the two files in "your-site/modules/gsitemap/"

- Regenerate the xml sitemap from your back office

- Display the file in your browser, and check if products are presented in all languages.





I forgot to mention another modification :

I made so that only one image is referenced with each product (the cover image)

Edited by Mellow971 (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

Hi all,


I was facing the same problem in PS and gsitemap v 1.8, so I modified the gsitemap.php file to correct this bug.

Now products are treated for all languages in the xml sitemap.


I also added an XSL stylesheet to have a better display of the XML file in browsers. (this doesn't make any difference for search engines)


Here is an archive containing the modified gsitemap.php and the stylesheet.xsl file.



- Copy the two files in "your-site/modules/gsitemap/"

- Regenerate the xml sitemap from your back office

- Display the file in your browser, and check if products are presented in all languages.





I forgot to mention another modification :

I made so that only one image is referenced with each product (the cover image)


Bonjour Mellow,


Est-ce que ta solution est utilisable sur une :


Je suis visiblement condamné à rester sur cette version, j'ai essayé de tester une et en local.


Mais c'est déréglé de partout, un vrai bocscon  :wacko:.


Et en plus certaines fonctions que j'utilise pour la boutique ne semble pas vouloir fonctionner sur ces versions, alors qu'elles font partie de la même branche de presta, en l'occurrence 1.4


Quelles sont les différences entre ma version et celles que j'ai essayé ? Il y aurait-il eu des changements de fait dans le coeur de prestashop ?



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Whaouuu! Juin 2012!!!

Je venais juste de découvrir Prestashop à l'époque, j'avais même oublié cette modif...


Anyway, ce sitemap devrait fonctionner sur PS1.4.4.0, car la structure de base des produits n'a pas changé sur toute la série 1.4 (à ma connaissance en tout cas, car je n'ai commencé qu'à partir de PS1.4.8)


Pour le reste je te répondrais en MP car ce topic est censé traiter d'un autre sujet et dans une autre langue (même si il a l'air un peu oublié...)

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