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New theme PRESTASHOP 2

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Hi guys. I leave my new creation. It has a flash header, but the buttons are not programs that link to anywhere. PSD included all the buttons and alter images so they can adjust to your liking. The sources are in Flash CS3 and CS4.

The folder must be uploaded in themes and prestashop2 because the flash are referenced to it.
The flash is called header.swf, you can modify for your own. Just replace the file and edit the header.tpl to insert the flash there.

I hope you like it and any comments let me know.




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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks shacker, that's a nice smooth theme.
Only question is:-
Is it possible for me to change the text showing into English? I just mean the icons to the right of the logo, when you hover over them it comes up with some text not in English?

Otherwise, nice work.

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  • 2 months later...

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