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Presta adds a random product to new order

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I have a weird problem.

Sometimes when order is made a non ordered product is added to new order.


When I look to BO in my orders, when I look at original basket the order shows correctly (that is how I know what costumer really ordered). The order confirmation mail send to costumer shows the correct price calculation (what was actually ordered), but the non ordered product is also shown among those ordered products.


I noticed that sometimes if product is deleted from basket and then the checkout is made the product that was deleted also shows in new order.

I`m using ver I also have ajax function enabled in basket modul. I˙m not really sure what is causing the problem.

Any suggestions?

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I`m using default theme. my site www.sesalec.net


edit: I added the code to show old price under the new one in homefeatured and products.list. but I don`t think thats the case, because the problems showed up recently.


I˙m also getting this: a mulitiple statuses added when order is made, but could not be related as in this case the ordered products were ok.


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1. I have installed module shiptopay which adds some new files in override folder. (but when this module is disabled and old override folder is backuped the problem with random products was still there). I then reset modules bankwire, cash on delivery and ship to pay and then it works ok for some time.

2. Yes I manually delete my test orders changing vieworder with "deleteorder" in my internet browser.

3. In this image the first product is a "ghost" product that shouldn`t be there. The price is calculated right.


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#2 is most likely the culprit, as it probably left old product info in one of the database tables, and now new orders (with the same order ID as the deleted orders) have those old products assigned to them.


There are a few ways to handle this, it really depends on how many orders you had deleted

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First off, make a backup of your database.


Then, check what is the highest id_order number in ps_orders.

Then check if there are any records in ps_order_detail with an id_order that is greater the the last on in ps_orders.

If you find any, delete them.

You can then manually delete the extra products for the existing orders from that table

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I delete id_order detail to 198, but now it does not show ordered products at some orders, the price is still there.

The products are gone for last 4 orders, but I can live with that if it will work from now on.

The original basket still show the products.

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  • 9 years later...

I have something similar. But the difference is very big in my database: id_order is 2411, id_order_detail is 10384.
Maybe it's because it started with order references like QRJHEKGOE and at some point I changed to numbers, but still it's only since yesterday I got this problem.


It's like he add's or repeats old orders, inclusive the note/message

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