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Dutch translation


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  • 2 months later...

Hoi Ronald, had je al een Nederlands versie gemaakt?

Zo niet laat het weten als je hulp nodig hebt. Zo wel is het al klaar voor gebruik?




Is there a Dutch version made already? If not I can help. Ennuh I would like to use it if its available  8)

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No i didn't finish the translation yes because i am waiting for SSL integration in Prestashop.

I think it is to easy now to hack my sites if i would use Prestashop now without SSL.

Also taking/storing customers private information and even credit card numbers without SSL is just not done.

So for the moment i am waiting for that and continue to work with my Zen-Cart shops. (i have 5).





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All,


I'm fine-tuning my dutch translation (takes a lot of time to look up already translated text... but sometimes in context the translation is really stupid...). Maybe I can share it, but in the end it might be translated only for this particular shop. When ready maybe an out-sider can give his or her opinion?


Anyway, I can't seem to find the e-mail notifications send to a customer after ordering. Maybe it is because I skipped some of the translations for the back-office? A hint would be very much appreciated.




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You need to translate mail in manual, by create a new dir (with the name of the iso_code of your lang) in /mails/ folder.


Then, I suggest you copy/past all mails from /mails/en to /mails/iso_code_of_your_lang.


Finally, you just have to translate each mail from english to your new language.


It should work :)

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I hope somebody can help. At the moment I'm doing the Dutch translation for the frontend. Brilliant application and I'm supprised how easy it is to add translations. Brilliant work Prestashop!

Once I've done the translation I will share and publish it.

I only have one issue now. I've done as mentionned above most of the frontend transalation but when I check my shop the images of the buttons are not shown anymore and displayed by a red cross (so he can't find them anymore). This is only applicable for my dutch transalation. It all works fine for the standard English and French.


Thanks in advance and I hope to find(receive) a solution soon.




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Hoi allemaal, hier is een bijna compleet vertaling. Ik hoop dat het nuttig is. Er zijn een aantal modulen nog te vertalen maar voor de rest is het te gebruiken. Natuurlijk voor elk winkel zijn er woorden die aangepast moet worden. Ik heb bv winkelwagon gebruikt en ik weet dat men vaak winkelmandje gebruiken. Ik heb echter geen tijd gehad om het compleet te vertalen maar vooruit.


This is an almost complete translation into dutch. Mainly posted here to help others busy with the same. All frontend, backend is done, just misses some modules. Hope it helps.




Updated: now complete for version 0.9.7


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Great job on the Dutch translation.

For some reason I cab't import the language.

I've a language iso nl. When I try to upload the nl.gzip nothing happens.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance,



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Hi graes0,




I've just tested it and I had the same result as you.


I've discussed it with Matthieu, who promises to look into it ASAP.


However, you can work around it in the meantime:


1) Unzip the translation file (nl.gzip) manually. You should see three folders: modules, themes, translations

2) Upload the files to your PrestaShop root directory via FTP

3) Reboot the Back Office


Let us know if that doesn't work for you. :)

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Hi Peter,


Thanks for the prompt reply.

Doing it manual is an intensive job because for example I have to do it for the modules per module or it will remove the English and the French.

Or will the English and the French be recreated when I reboot the back office. Perhaps as stupid question (I'm really a dummie) how do you exactly reboot the back office, is this rebooting the apache and Mysql.





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Hi graes0,

sorry about that, I just tested it too but the same result. If you unpack the files the translations should be nl.php so it will not write over anything.

And for Peter I thought first it may not be right because I exported from the theme I am building. I allso tested exporting from the default theme but with the same result.


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I think its best to wait for an answer from the Presta team. I just noticed that the unzip doesn't produce pages so you would have to save them individually. cant confirm sorry.

If you like I can send you the pages as they are in a package.

here are the files  already in the right folders. As much for the Presta team to see if they can export it without problems.



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Hi guys,


Sorry for this bug that makes importing such a hassle.


Can you please confirm if I copy the folder media from your file over the one in Prestashop it will not remove the otter languages?


Geert, it depends on your FTP software, etc., but the safest and surest way to make sure nothing gets erased is as you say, to upload all translations file by file. A tedious task indeed, which is of course why we created the Import Translations tool in the first place. ::)


Thanks for your patience.  We'll definitely have this fixed by the next release.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi guys,

We would like to include a more complete translation of the Dutch language in PrestaShop v1.0 stable, due out in a few weeks.

The default Dutch translation included in PrestaShop v1.0 RC4 does not translate the following parts:

* Modules

The other parts (Front Office, Back Office, etc.) also need updating.

Can someone please post a more complete "nl.gzip" that was exported using PrestaShop v1.0 RC3 or RC4?

(Instructions on how to export a translation can be found "here":/wiki/Languages_and_Translations/.)

Thanks in advance! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Peter, its not clear to me how far the translation for Dutch is at the moment. I've just seen that there is a NL community and some people there are busy with a translation. Is there any coordination on versions? Otherwise we will all be working for nothing.

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I've just translated the blockcatetegories module. Where should I send the nl.php file to? (And which modules need translating too, like cutmedia I'd like to know which have already been translated and which still need translating done to avoid double translations).

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Hi illutic,
the latest version of Prestashop already has a Dutch language file. It seem to me best way to translate is build/correct on that. Also remember that when you upgrade versions are overwritten (happened to me...). I am now almost complete with the Dutch for RC5 and will post it here. I guess its up to the Dutch community to cordinate this themselves, logical, we are the ones that want it.

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I know RC5 already has a dutch translation file for the blockcategories, but compared to the German version it's just a small part (so I copied the German version and translated that into Dutch).
I guess I'll post this in the Dutch subforum too :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

We would like to include an updated translation of the Dutch language in PrestaShop v1.0 stable, due out next week.

There are several gaps in the existing translation, the biggest being a lack of translations for the modules.

Can someone please post a more complete "nl.gzip" that was exported using PrestaShop v1.0 RC4 or RC5?

(Instructions on how to export a translation can be found "here":/wiki/Languages_and_Translations/.)

Thanks in advance!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

We would like to include a more complete translation of the Dutch language in PrestaShop v1.1 stable, due out this week.

Can someone please post a complete "nl.gzip" file that was exported using PrestaShop v1.0 stable (v1.0.0.8)?

Specifically we still need:

* Modules

(Instructions on how to export a translation can be found "here":/wiki/Languages_and_Translations/.)

To have it included, please post it here no later than this Thursday, Sept. 11.

Thanks in advance!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Hi all,

We would like to include a more complete translation of the Dutch language in PrestaShop v1.1 stable, due out this week.

Can someone please post a complete "nl.gzip" file that was exported using PrestaShop v1.0 stable (v1.0.0.8)?

Specifically we still need:

* Modules

(Instructions on how to export a translation can be found "here":/wiki/Languages_and_Translations/.)

To have it included, please post it here no later than this Thursday, Sept. 11.

Thanks in advance!

I've send you a PM!
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