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Prestashop ir OpenERP sinchronizacija


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We are developing an application stack that synchronize Open ERP and Prestashop and extends Orestashop functionality. The application should be released mid February. According to the version, it will support single or multiple shops. The multi shop version will support multiple PS in solo mode (single instance not connected to any other PS, maybe an existing PS one wants to import) or in catalog mode where different PS instances share all or part of a product catalog (while potentially being associated to different Open ERP defined price lists) , may share the same customer base, may be associated to the same or to different OpenERP companies (OERP version 6). Last but not least, there will be an high scalability version that will be able to use different threads or different virtual or physical machines (for the synchronization program) for high volumes sites or for speeding up the synchronization of multiple sites hosted on the same or on multiple hosts. We are currently waiting on a PS module being developed for us in India for letting PS producing, in the order, information about tax codes being used. As of now PS proposes just the tax description (!) if a single tax applies to an order row, or ... nothing (!!) if multiple taxes apply, which of course does not cut it when you need to export tax amounts to an ERP which associates different tax (and reports on them ) to different accounts.


for information on progress email to thecaptain2000 at g mail com

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