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Problem s vlozenim zbozi do kosiku"...unable to add the product."


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mam problem s pridavanim zbozi do kosiku. Pokud chci pridat zbozi do kosiku z "doporucujeme" nebo ze stranky se seznamem produktu a produkt ma ruzne atributy a skladem je ho 0ks, vyhodi to tenhle error:

TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to add the product.
Error thrown: [object XMLHttpRequest]
Text status: parsererror

Dela to jenom AJAX kosik, kdyz vypnu AJAX tak to funguje. Po celym dni prohlizeni fora i googleni nejsem schopen najit reseni, i kdyz tu urcite nekde je :(

Predem dik za pomoc, milan

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problém je v souboru classes/product.php

řádek 321:

$sql = 'SELECT `id_product_attribute`
       FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute`
       WHERE `default_on` = 1 AND `quantity` > 0 AND `id_product` = '.intval($id_product);
       $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
       if (!$result)
           $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
           SELECT `id_product_attribute`
           FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute`
           WHERE `quantity` > 0  AND `id_product` = '.intval($id_product));
       return $result['id_product_attribute'];


        $sql = 'SELECT `id_product_attribute`
       FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute`
       WHERE `default_on` = 1 '.(intval($minimumQuantity) > 0 ? 'AND `quantity` >= '.intval($minimumQuantity).' ' : '').'AND `id_product` = '.intval($id_product);
       $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
       if (!$result)
           $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
           SELECT `id_product_attribute`
           FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute`
           WHERE '.(intval($minimumQuantity) > 0 ? '`quantity` >= '.intval($minimumQuantity).' AND ' : '').'`id_product` = '.intval($id_product));
       if (!$result)
           $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
           SELECT `id_product_attribute`
           FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute`
           WHERE `id_product` = '.intval($id_product));            
       return $result['id_product_attribute'];

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