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effectivement dans la fiche produit , afin d'indiquer le pourcenetage de remise voci le code


<span id="reduction_percent_display">{l s='( - '} {$product->specificPrice.reduction*100} %{l s=')'}</span>



j'ai mis la meme chose dans mon catalogue produit

et ça m'affiche tout le temps 0%



$product->specificPrice.reduction ca veut dire quoi exactement

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$product->specificPrice.reduction ca veut dire quoi exactement


Si je ne me trompe pas , $product est un objet, et specificPrice est un tableau dont reduction est une clée.


Tu pourrais aussi écrire $product->specificPrice['reduction'].


Pour être plus sûr , tu peux tester


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j'ai essayé et ca m'indique NULL

et ca m'indique rien si j'efface vardump


C'est que la variable est vide, donc si elle n'affiche rien ,c'est normal.




pour voir toutes les données liées au produit.

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effectivement en faisant un print , j'ai remarqué que j'avais " [reduction] => 0.100000 " dans le fichier product.tpl

il est appelé comme ceci $product->specificPrice.reduction


et dans le fichier productlist rien

la difference entre les 2 fichiers , c'est l'appel de variable

// PrestaShop internal settings
var currencySign = '{$currencySign|html_entity_decode:2:"UTF-8"}';
var currencyRate = '{$currencyRate|floatval}';
var currencyFormat = '{$currencyFormat|intval}';
var currencyBlank = '{$currencyBlank|intval}';
var taxRate = {$tax_rate|floatval};
var jqZoomEnabled = {if $jqZoomEnabled}true{else}false{/if};
//JS Hook
var oosHookJsCodeFunctions = new Array();
// Parameters
var id_product = '{$product->id|intval}';
var productHasAttributes = {if isset($groups)}true{else}false{/if};
var quantitiesDisplayAllowed = {if $display_qties == 1}true{else}false{/if};
var quantityAvailable = {if $display_qties == 1 && $product->quantity}{$product->quantity}{else}0{/if};
var allowBuyWhenOutOfStock = {if $allow_oosp == 1}true{else}false{/if};
var availableNowValue = '{$product->available_now|escape:'quotes':'UTF-8'}';
var availableLaterValue = '{$product->available_later|escape:'quotes':'UTF-8'}';
var productPriceTaxExcluded = {$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true)|default:'null'} - {$product->ecotax};
var reduction_percent = {if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.reduction AND $product->specificPrice.reduction_type == 'percentage'}{$product->specificPrice.reduction*100}{else}0{/if};
var reduction_price = {if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.reduction AND $product->specificPrice.reduction_type == 'amount'}{$product->specificPrice.reduction}{else}0{/if};
var specific_price = {if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.price}{$product->specificPrice.price}{else}0{/if};
var specific_currency = {if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.id_currency}true{else}false{/if};
var group_reduction = '{$group_reduction}';
var default_eco_tax = {$product->ecotax};
var ecotaxTax_rate = {$ecotaxTax_rate};
var currentDate = '{$smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'}';
var maxQuantityToAllowDisplayOfLastQuantityMessage = {$last_qties};
var noTaxForThisProduct = {if $no_tax == 1}true{else}false{/if};
var displayPrice = {$priceDisplay};
var productReference = '{$product->reference|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}';
var productAvailableForOrder = {if (isset($restricted_country_mode) AND $restricted_country_mode) OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE}'0'{else}'{$product->available_for_order}'{/if};
var productShowPrice = '{if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}{$product->show_price}{else}0{/if}';
var productUnitPriceRatio = '{$product->unit_price_ratio}';
var idDefaultImage = {if isset($cover.id_image_only)}{$cover.id_image_only}{else}0{/if};
// Customizable field
var img_ps_dir = '{$img_ps_dir}';
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{assign var='textFieldIndex' value=0}
{foreach from=$customizationFields item='field' name='customizationFields'}
{assign var="key" value="pictures_`$product->id`_`$field.id_customization_field`"}
customizationFields[{$smarty.foreach.customizationFields.index|intval}] = new Array();
customizationFields[{$smarty.foreach.customizationFields.index|intval}][0] = '{if $field.type|intval == 0}img{$imgIndex++}{else}textField{$textFieldIndex++}{/if}';
customizationFields[{$smarty.foreach.customizationFields.index|intval}][1] = {if $field.type|intval == 0 && isset($pictures.$key) && $pictures.$key}2{else}{$field.required|intval}{/if};
// Images
var img_prod_dir = '{$img_prod_dir}';
var combinationImages = new Array();
{if isset($combinationImages)}
{foreach from=$combinationImages item='combination' key='combinationId' name='f_combinationImages'}
 combinationImages[{$combinationId}] = new Array();
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combinationImages[0] = new Array();
{if isset($images)}
{foreach from=$images item='image' name='f_defaultImages'}
 combinationImages[0][{$smarty.foreach.f_defaultImages.index}] = {$image.id_image};
// Translations
var doesntExist = '{l s='The product does not exist in this model. Please choose another.' js=1}';
var doesntExistNoMore = '{l s='This product is no longer in stock' js=1}';
var doesntExistNoMoreBut = '{l s='with those attributes but is available with others' js=1}';
var uploading_in_progress = '{l s='Uploading in progress, please wait...' js=1}';
var fieldRequired = '{l s='Please fill in all required fields' js=1}';
{if isset($groups)}
// Combinations
{foreach from=$combinations key=idCombination item=combination}
 addCombination({$idCombination|intval}, new Array({$combination.list}), {$combination.quantity}, {$combination.price}, {$combination.ecotax}, {$combination.id_image}, '{$combination.reference|addslashes}', {$combination.unit_impact}, {$combination.minimal_quantity});
// Colors
{if $colors|@count > 0}
 {if $product->id_color_default}var id_color_default = {$product->id_color_default|intval};{/if}


j'ai deja essayé d'ajouter les variable

var reduction_percent = {if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.reduction AND $product->specificPrice.reduction_type == 'percentage'}{$product->specificPrice.reduction*100}{else}0{/if};
var reduction_price = {if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.reduction AND $product->specificPrice.reduction_type == 'amount'}{$product->specificPrice.reduction}{else}0{/if};
var specific_price = {if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.price}{$product->specificPrice.price}{else}0{/if};
var specific_currency = {if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.id_currency}true{else}false{/if};



mais ca ne marche pas

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