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Displaying manufacturer description and Logo

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Hi All

I am currently customizing a Prestashop theme and am having trouble with something i want it to do and am looking for help with this.

What i what i want is that when you select a Manufacturer e.g. Apple and it goes to thet page , for it to display the logo and the description of the Manufacturer as well as all their products.


It displays the Logo and description on the manufacturer.php page, but not on the manufacturer.php/5_apple.

Many thanks in advance


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I have managed to link the manufacturer and logo together so that they are displayed together, but I am unable to find the correct code to display the correct manufacturer, it just displays the highest id manufacturer, which isnt very useful.

I think it needs some sort of smarty code to get the correct manufacturer from the product table of mysql.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just try to add in a file manufacturer.tpl in your template dir, after the line

{include file=$tpl_dir./errors.tpl}

following code:

title="{$manufacturer->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" />

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