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<SOLVED>Prestaboost Lite question


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Hello misa,


Go to prestaboostlite folder then css folder then open prestaboostlite.css and change the z-index from this line #backgroundpopup to z-index:12001 and try if this solve your problem.

Probably the slider uses a lower z-index.





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Hello misa,


It is still behind the slider, did you also cleared cache ?? i thought you had PS 1.3.x version.

If you have PS 1.4 you must set force compile to ON and Cache to OFF.

You can also check the z-index off the slider to see if that has a lower or a higher value then z-index:12001.



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Hmm i can`t see a z-index in your magicslideshow files.

Most off the time this causes the problem because off the wrong value in the z-index, if both modules uses a z-index.

So if the magicslideshow has a z-index off 2000 then prestaboostlite should had a higher z-index.




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It's getting better.............already



#popupContact {



position:absolute; /* hack internet explorer 6*/


border:2px solid #cecece;





But in Explorer it still popup on the upper left corner

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Hello misa,


It shows correct now on google chrome/firefox/safari/ and opera.


Change the z-index from #popupContact to 12005 this one must be higher then #backgroundpopup that must have a z-index off 12001.





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