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Add to cart translation


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Im having problems with translation.... I installed a language ang translation... And it works good. When the customer is on the front page, the buttons "add to cart" and "view" are translated. BUT when they click on the product category, the buttons are in english....

I have tryed severel translation packs, and this happens with all of them.... HELP???? :)

A thing I just noticed... When I use the standard prestashop theme it works fine... When I use my other theme, the problem is there

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Hi everybody,

You should be able to translate that manually in your theme's "lang/[your language].php" file.


I hope this helps.





already did this -> <?php


global $_LANG;

$_LANG = array();

$_LANG['best-sales_3cb29f0ccc5fd220a97df89dafe46290'] = 'Best Sellers';

$_LANG['new-products_9ff0635f5737513b1a6f559ac2bff745'] = 'New Arrivals';

$_LANG['product-desc-features_2d0f6b8300be19cf35e89e66f0677f95'] = 'Buy Now';

$_LANG['product-list_2d0f6b8300be19cf35e89e66f0677f95'] = 'Buy Now';

$_LANG['product_2d0f6b8300be19cf35e89e66f0677f95'] = 'Buy Now';

$_LANG['products-comparison_2d0f6b8300be19cf35e89e66f0677f95'] = 'Buy Now';

$_LANG['sitemap_3cb29f0ccc5fd220a97df89dafe46290'] = 'Best sellers';




buat product-list on homeproduct not change yet, i need rename frome add to cart to buy now.


it possible must check it on tpl file ?

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