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Help me about Menu Codes

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I use a theme and in header.tpl there is a menu code


Ana sayfa
yeni ürünler
sik sorulanlar

I want this codes language to change when change the website language ( as footer links )

not : I am going to use this website in turkish and english

thank you

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you can go in your Back office / Tools / Traductions / header.

Normaly you have possibility but for this you must use Smarty code.

exemple :

{l s='Home'}
{l s='Specials'}
{l s='New products'}
{l s='Top sellers'}
{l s='Contact us'}



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The most important is to change this

To this:

{l s='Specials'}

And remember by default English is your number 1 language, and if you want any hardcore code to be translated it always have to be inside this:

{l s='Your_word'}

Now the beauty is the Prestashop automactly will create a section where you will do the translation for example since you are using this at your header.tpl you will find the section to translate in:

Back Office >> Tools >> Translations and from there choose "Front office translations" and you should have an section call:

header - 5 expressions or some thing similar

and if you for example add something extra at any module you will find it at "Modules translation"


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